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Banner: Engine of Immortality: Canadian Newspapers from 1752 until Today
Editorial Halifax Gazette News Arts Classifieds Historic Milestones Foreign Intelligence Acknowledgements Comments  

Historic Milestones

Halifax, By our last Advices from Chignecto, The Commandant of his Majesty's Forces, Capt. Collier, of Lascelles's Regiment, died there the Beginning of this Month.
From the Halifax Gazette, March 23, 1752, p. 2

Various dates in the history of Canada have been immortalized on the front pages of Canadian daily newspapers and in several special issues created for the events. People are often surprised to discover that an occurrence which now has great significance in the development of the Canadian identity deserved only a brief mention on an inside page of the newspaper of the time, or, sometimes, no mention at all. The following events were prepared from transparencies used for a previous joint Canadian-American project. Some titles previously displayed were not available because of copyright. We plan to add more historic milestones to this page in the future.

Growing Pains

Our Great Fire,June 2, 1877, Saint John News
Klondike Nugget, June 16, 1898, Dawson, YT, Anniversary Number.
The Premier, The Old Chief's Career is Closed [Death of Sir John A. Macdonald], June 8, 1891, Toronto Daily Mail, Toronto, Ont.
Hail Province of Saskatchewan, September 4, 1905, The Leader, Regina, N.W.T.
Empress Carries Almost 1000 Passengers to the Bottom of the St. Lawrence River, May 30, 1914, The Globe,Toronto, Ont.

Canada Comes of Age

War: Britain Gives Word, August 3, 1914, The Morning Leader, Regina, Sask.
Britain and Germany at War, August 5, 1914, The Daily Telegraph and the Sun, St. [sic] John, N.B.
Ottawa Parliament Houses Burned, February 4, 1916, Daily Mail and Empire, Toronto, Ont.
British Smash through German Line: Canadians Storm Famous Vimy Ridge. April 10, 1917, Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
Canadian Troops Have Carried Famous Vimy Ridge, April 10, 1917, The Citizen, Ottawa, Ont.
Sir Robert Borden nous apporte la conscription [Sir Robert Borden Brings Us Conscription], May 19, 1917, Le Devoir, Montreal, Que.
Germany Has Signed Armistice, November 11, 1918, The Gazette Montreal, Que., Extra.
PEACE! November 11, 1918, The Citizen, Ottawa, Ont., Extra.

Peace and Protest

Strike or Starve, May 23, 1919, Western Labor News, Winnipeg, Man., Special Strike Edition 6.
Why Not Organize Ourselves, June 4, 1919, The Winnipeg Citizen, Winnipeg, Man.
Strike Unbroken, June 23, 1919, Western Labor News, Winnipeg, Man., Special Strike Edition no. 32.
One Killed, Scores Hurt in Riot Following an Attempt to Parade, June 23, 1919, Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
Saturday's Rioting Seen through the Tribune Camera, June 25, 1919, Winnipeg Evening Tribune, Winnipeg, Man.
Women Eligible to Sit in Canadian Senate, October 18, 1929, The Ottawa Evening Journal, Ottawa, Ont.
Quintuplets Born to Farm Wife, May 28, 1934, The Nugget, North Bay, Ont., Late Edition.
Policeman Killed 100 Hurt in Riot, July 2, 1935, The Leader-Post, Regina, Sask.

World Leaders

Première liste des victimes de Dieppe [First List of Victims of Dieppe], August 11, 1942, La Patrie, Montreal, Que.
Canadian Troops Lead Great Commando Raid, August 19, 1942, Hamilton Spectator, Hamilton, Ont.
Dieppe Raid Successful, August 20, 1942, The Leader-Post, Regina, Sask.
Rate Leduc Well 500 Barrels A Day, February 14, 1947, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alta.

Triumph and Sorrow

The Winnipeg Tribune, June 30, 1967, Winnipeg, Man., Centennial Edition.
The Constitution Comes Home, April 17, 1982, The Citizen, Ottawa, Ont.
Tories New Broom Makes a Clean Sweep of Canada [largest party majority in Canadian history], September 5, 1984, The Gazette, Montreal, Que.
Campus Massacre, December 7, 1989, The Gazette, Montreal, Que.