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Community Consultations: Report of Activities and Outcomes

Multicultural Initiatives, Strategic Office
Library and Archives Canada
August 2006

Printable Versions:  [PDF 186 KB]  [RTF 1188 KB]

Table of contents

1. Executive Summary
1.1 Methodology
1.2 Outcomes
1.2.1 Cultural Communities
1.2.2 Service Providers
1.3 Implications for LAC
2. Introduction
2.1 Library and Archives Canada's Consultation Process
2.1.1 Background: Setting the Stage for Consultation
2.2 Multicultural Initiatives' Cultural Community Consultations
2.2.1 Consultation Structure and Highlights
3. Consultations with Service Providers
3.1 Consultation Structure
3.2 Consultation Outcomes
3.2.1 Library Collections
3.3 Service Provider Challenges
3.3.1 Libraries
3.3.2 Archives
3.4 Relationship with LAC
3.5 Roles for LAC
3.6 Specific Recommendations for Library and Archives Canada
3.7 Connecting with the Service Provider Community
4. Community-Specific Focus Groups
4.1 Focus Group Structure
5. South Asian Community Consultation, Surrey, BC
5.1 South Asian Community in Surrey
5.2 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
5.2.1 Libraries
5.2.2 Archives
5.3 Relationship with LAC
5.4 Roles for LAC
5.5 Key Messages Emerging from the South Asian Community Consultation
6. Chinese Community Consultation, Vancouver, BC
6.1 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
6.1.1 Libraries
6.1.2 Archives
6.2 Relationship with LAC
6.3 Roles for LAC
6.4 Key Messages Emerging from the Chinese Community Consultation
6.5 Connecting with the Chinese Community in Vancouver
7. Somali Community Consultation, Ottawa, ON
7.1 Somali Community in Ottawa
7.2 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
7.2.1 Libraries
7.2.2 Libraries: Barriers to Access
7.2.3 Archives
7.3 Somali-Canadian Publishing
7.4 Relationship with LAC
7.5 Key Messages Emerging from the Somali Community Consultation
7.6 Connecting with the Somali Community in Ottawa
8. Black Anglophone Community Consultation, Montréal, QC
8.1 Black Anglophone Community in Montréal
8.2 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
8.2.1 Libraries
8.2.2 Archives
8.3 Relationship with LAC
8.4 Roles for LAC
8.5 Key Messages Emerging from the Black Anglophone Community Consultation
8.6 Connecting with the Black Anglophone Community in Montréal
9. Haitian Community Consultation, Montréal, QC
9.1 Haitian Community in Montréal
9.2 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
9.3 Relationship with LAC
9.4 Roles for LAC
9.5 Key Messages Emerging from the Haitian Community Consultation
9.6 Connecting with the Haitian Community in Montréal
10. Italian Community Consultation, Ottawa, ON
10.1 Italian Community in Ottawa
10.2 Perspectives on Libraries and Archives
10.2.1 Libraries
10.2.2 Archives
10.3 Relationship with LAC
10.4 Roles for LAC
11. Consultation Outcomes
11.1 Cultural Communities
11.2 Service Provider Communities
11.3 Implications for Library and Archives Canada
11.3.1 Mediated Access to Canadians
11.3.2 Empowering Communities
11.3.3 Enhancing Diversity in LAC Programs, Collections and Services
11.3.4 Strategic Challenges for LAC
APPENDIX A: Acknowledgements
APPENDIX B: List of Participants
