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Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM


* What is Canadiana?
* Searching the Canadiana CD-ROM
* Minimum Hardware/Software Requirements
* Customer Assistance
* Sales and Ordering Information
* For More Information
* Canadiana CD-ROM Demo
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Other Formats for Canadiana

What Is Canadiana?

A powerful bibliographic tool from Library and Archives Canada, Canadiana on CD-ROM includes all of the information previously found in the Canadiana paper and microfiche products... and more.

Canadiana: The National Bibliography documents the nation's published heritage to make that heritage known to present and future generations.

Canadiana lists and describes a wide variety of publications produced in Canada, including books, periodicals, pamphlets, educational kits, theses, microforms, government documents, sheet music and scores, sound recordings, video recordings, CD-ROMs and other electronic documents. In addition, Canadiana lists titles published outside Canada that are of special interest because they are about Canadian topics or are written by Canadian authors.

The CD-ROM edition of Canadiana continues the National Library's work, begun in the early 1950s, of listing titles deposited by Canadian publishers under legal deposit regulations. The CD-ROM edition differs from the paper and microfiche versions that preceded it in two important ways. First, it presents the bibliographic and authority databases as an integrated package, thus making it more convenient to use both files. Second, the scope of the national bibliography now includes records from Carto-Canadiana and Early Canadiana, which includes records for pre-1920 Canadiana from the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM).

The December 2004 issue of Canadiana on CD-ROM contains more than 2 million records and features:

Canadiana: The National Bibliography is a database of bibliographic records representing the publications of Canadian publishers, by Canadian authors or on subjects of interest to Canada, compiled by Library and Archives Canada since 1950. The database also contains records for titles published prior to 1950, some of which pre-date Confederation and the advent of printing in Canada (mid-18th century), compiled for the Retrospective National Bibliography.

Carto-Canadiana is a list of cartographic materials produced by Canadian agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, which is held in Library and Archives Canada. The list contains full cataloguing records for maps, atlases and globes in a variety of formats, including microform and electronic.

Canadiana Authorities is a database of personal and corporate names (governmental and non-governmental) that appear on publications catalogued for the national bibliography. The file also includes name headings authenticated by Library and Archives Canada for use by the Library of Congress and names contributed by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM).

Early Canadiana is a list of items reproduced by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions. The Early Canadiana collection is held in major research libraries in Canada and abroad. The file contains full cataloguing records for the CIHM series, including monographs and pamphlets to 1920 and serials to 1900.

All bibliographic and authority records included in Canadiana on CD-ROM conform to the MARC 21 (formerly CAN/MARC and USMARC) format for authority and bibliographic data.

Canadiana CD-ROM on Three Discs

Authority records and the MARC 21 bibliographic and authority manuals (1999), including updates (2000-2002), are on all three discs. The bibliographic data is distributed as follows:

Disc 1

  • All music and sound recordings
  • National Library of Canada pre-1901 retrospective national bibliography
  • All Early Canadiana
  • All Carto-Canadiana
  • Non-government Canadiana monographs pre-dating 1980

Disc 2

  • Non-government Canadiana monographs published after 1979

Disc 3

  • All Canadian government documents (federal, provincial, other)
  • All serials

Search with ease...

  • using indexes such as name, title, subject, keyword, ISBN and other control numbers, classification number and date;
  • using custom searching options and Boolean operators for more complex searches; 
  • initiating a new search from any of the indexed hyperlinked terms within a record using the Related search feature.
Use search results to...
  • download records in MARC 21 format for copy cataloguing;
  • verify authorities and bibliographic information;
  • answer reference and research questions.
You can also...
  • consult the MARC 21 documentation and online help;
  • logon to AMICUS, Library and Archives Canada's online database.
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Minimum Hardware/Software Requirements 

  • IBM-compatible PC
  • 386SX processor (486DX 33Mhz or greater recommended) 
  • 8MB RAM; 10 MB free hard disc space
  • CD-ROM drive (double speed or greater) 
  • Monitor (colour or monochrome) 
  • Windows-compatible mouse 
  • Printer supported by Windows
  • Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT or Windows XP
  • Web Browser: Netscape 3 or above; or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 or above.
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Customer Assistance

Customer assistance for Canadiana concerning data or software problems will be provided by:

Published Heritage Branch
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0N4
Telephone: 819-997-6205
Toll free 1-866-578-7777
Fax: 819-934-6777
E-mail: canadiana@lac-bac.gc.ca
Web site: www.collectionscanada.ca/canadiana/index-e.html

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Sales and Ordering Information 

When ordering Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM, please quote the following catalogue number:
Canada: 129.95$CAN (139.05$CAN with 7% GST) for the 3 discs
Other countries: 129.95$US for the 3 discs

Order from 

Canadian Government Publishing
Ottawa ON  K1A 0S9
Telephone: 613-941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943
Fax: 613-954-5779 or 1-800-565-7757
Web site: http://publications.gc.ca

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For More Information 

For a demonstration of Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM, visit this Web site at Canadiana CD-ROM Demo, or, to receive a demo diskette, contact

Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0N4