Logan describes one of his coastal voyages

Page from William Logan's manuscript journal describing a coastal voyage

Wednesday 9 July

I had great trouble to find a resting place last night. The hold was full before I looked for one. I squeezed myself among the pots & pans in the after part of the hold, but found myself rather cold not having my blanket
The temperature of the weather before I left the deck was 43º at about 6 o'clock.
We have been towed into Cirquet Bay(?) by Col. Gratiots (?) barge. The Bay is a very fair one & there is a fishing establishment in the bight of it. The rock is red sandstone, & dips SE. No fossils are in it. On the south side of the Bay there is a range of high land 200 ft. & to the north of it another as high. The wood on the south side is spruce, Balsamfir, hackmatack, birchfir. There is a valley in continuation of the Bay. Near the shore the rock has not much soil on it.

Murray & I & McNaughton have made an examination of the point on the southside of the Bay & have found 2 small seams of calcareous spar with some gray sulphuret of copper in it.

We are lazily creeping up the shore towards Washington Bay but we shall not reach it before tomorrow at the rate at which we are going.

A woman & child having left us at Cirquet Bay(?) the Captn has offered me a berth in the box of a cabin the vessel has. Capable of holding 3 persons & no more. It will be better than the pots & pans of the hold. My clothes are all pot black from the effects of my couch [couche?, french for sleep] last night.

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