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IntroductionExplore the Communities
  Section title: Educational Resources

All comprehensive teaching strategies on the Library and Archives Canada site contain detailed guidelines for educators, including learning outcomes/expectations/objectives, suggested criteria for assessment, instructions for classroom use and worksheets.

Teaching Strategy HTML PDF RTF
Activity 1 - Thinking Creatively HTML PDF RTF
Activity 2 - Getting Down to Research HTML PDF RTF
Activity 3 - Learning from Someone Who Was There HTML PDF RTF
Activity 4 - A Trip Through Your Settlement Group's Past HTML PDF RTF
Activity 5 - Drawing Conclusions HTML PDF RTF
Activity 6 - Showcasing Your Settlement Group HTML PDF RTF
Activity 7 - Comparing Settlement Groups (Enrichment Activity) HTML PDF RTF
Activity 8 - Settlement Dwelling Games HTML PDF RTF
Unit Evaluation Rubric HTML PDF RTF
