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Dance, Variety, Special Events Department
[textual record]

Series Consists of:
1079 lower level description(s)

Series Part of:
National Arts Centre Corporation fonds

Bilingual Equivalent: Département de Danse, Variétés, Événements spéciaux


    10.4 m of textual records

Scope and content
Series consists of general performance files and publicity files; they are arranged alphabetically by show name within blocks determined by year. In some cases, the working name of the show may be the name of the company (i.e. The Royal Winnipeg Ballet). General performance files often contain the following information: correspondence between producer and agent or artist, technical performance requirements, a copy of the artist's contract, box office ticket sales information, box office statements, press clippings, and promotional material. Publicity files often contain the following information: press information, press clippings, correspondence between press agents and producers and artists, advertising schedules, ticket sales information, complaints by the public relating to performances, and responses by publicity officers.

Conditions of Access
Textual records 
from container
(Volume) 241 to 292
32: Restricted by law

Terms of use
Copyright belongs to the Crown.

Additional name(s)

Administrative history
In 1972, programming activities at the National Arts Centre were divided with the creation of the Music, Theatre, and Dance & Variety Departments. In 1978, the Dance & Variety Department was divided into two separate departments: the Dance Department and the Variety Department. In 1984, the Dance Department became responsible for "Special Events" which included galas and special dance programming. The department became part of the Programming Branch in the 1977-1978 artistic year. The name changed from the Dance and Variety Department to the Dance, Variety, Special Events Department during the 1983-1984 artistic year.

Additional name(s)

Finding aid
Finding aid 149-5 is a computer generated list. 149-5 (Electronic)

Reference Numbers
Former archival reference no.: RG149-F-1
Archival reference no.: R854-30-1-E
Volume: 241 to 292

Additional Information

Source of title
Title is based on the contents of the series.

Further accruals are expected.

Language of material




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