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ISBN Application Form Explanatory Notes

Introductory comments

ISBNs assignments are available free of charge to Canadian publishers from Library and Archives Canada's Canadian ISBN Agency.

The Canadian ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs to Canadian publishers only; this is normally interpreted to mean publishers who have a Canadian address.

Name of publisher

The publisher is the person or organization responsible for production and promotion of the book.

Self-publishers must identify themselves as the publisher of their books. Do not provide the name of the book's printer or the distributor.

The publisher's name can be a personal name, a company name or the name of an association. The name to be provided on this form is the name you or your company or your group will print in the book.

First time publishers sometimes have difficulties making a distinction between the publisher and others involved in the production of a book and in determining the name they will use as publisher. Questions about this matter can be noted in the space provided at the end of the form or you can call the ISBN office staff at the numbers noted on the top of the form.

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Applied before?

If the publisher's name provided on this form has already been assigned ISBNs, please indicate one of the previously used numbers.

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Estimated number of publications

Most first time applicants are assigned a block of 10 ISBNs.

Larger blocks will only be assigned in cases where the publisher has firm plans to issue more than 10 titles in the next 3 to 5 years. The titles of all confirmed new books must be noted in the Title(s) box. The projected date of publication should also be noted if known.

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Note here the title of the publication for which you are now requesting an ISBN assignment. If you have more than one book ready to publish, please provide all titles. When submitting more than one title, please number each title clearly (For ex.: 1., 2., 3., etc.).

If the publication is to be made available in different bindings or in different formats or in different languages, please report the details in this box as different numbers will be assigned.

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Use this space to provide any additional information that will assist in assigning your block of ISBNs.

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