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Graphical element Home > Exploration and Settlement Français
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Graphical elementBanner: The Shamrock and the Maple Leaf - Irish-Canadian Documentary Heritage at Library and Archives CanadaGraphical element
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Graphical elementIntroductionCollective MemoryMigrationIntegrationNational Archives of IrelandGraphical element
Graphical elementRural CommunitiesUrban CommunitiesLaw and OrderLiteratureGalleriesGraphical element

Section title: Introduction

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Lake of Killarney, Ireland (circa 1820)

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Welcome to The Shamrock and the Maple Leaf, an exhibition of Irish-Canadian documentary heritage held by Library and Archives Canada. Here you will discover photographs, letters, books, music and other evidence of Ireland's vital influence on Canadian history and culture. The exhibition also recounts the complex and compelling experience of the Irish in Canada through the words of leading contemporary scholars in Irish-Canadian studies, including Elizabeth Grove-White, William J. Smyth, Peter M. Toner, Cecil Houston, K.J. James, David A. Wilson and Michele Holmgren.

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Near the Gimnell tunnel, Killarney, Ireland (1912)

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The Shamrock and the Maple Leaf is a resource unparalleled in print or on the Web. The exhibition embodies a dynamic, ongoing collaboration between Library and Archives Canada and the National Archives of Ireland -- two institutions that are dedicated to sharing our unique documentary heritage with the world.

Library and Archives Canada gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage, whose financial assistance through Canadian Culture Online (CCO) made this work possible.

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