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L’échange de Newsy Lalonde, en 1922, a surpris tous les partisans du hockey. Originaire de Cornwall, en Ontario, Lalonde avait été l’étoile des Canadiens de Montréal pendant plusieurs années. Pour l'obtenir, le club de Saskatoon a payé environ 3000 $ et a renoncé à ses droits sur Aurel Joliat, joueur prometteur, mais qui n’avait pas encore fait ses preuves. Joliat a eu une brillante carrière de seize ans avec les Canadiens. Les deux joueurs sont membres du Temple de la renommée du hockey.


MONTREAL, Sept. 20. -- "Newsy" Lalonde's contract, forwarded to him by the Saskatoon Club of the Western Canada Hockey League, sets his salary for the coming season at $5,000.

According to information received here, he is only signing a one-year agreement, but should he be in any way responsible for placing the Saskatoon team in first or second position in the league standing during the season, he will be given the option of signing another contract for two more years at the same salary. This salary is practically double what "Newsy" received from the Canadiens last season.

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One of the greatest drawing cards in professional hockey today, the Flying Frenchman, as he is best known, should be able to turn out a winning team for the Crescents this winter, provided he has any kind of material, and there is small doubt but that he will. For years "Newsy" has been one of the leading goal getters in the N.H.L., and in obtaining his services the local management has turned a real trick, for, in spite of his age, the old boy has plenty of hockey spirit and brains left in him yet.

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