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Section title: Important Notices



List itemWhat is copyright?
List itemGeneral information on copyright and registration of copyright
List itemReproduction of material from the Library and Archives Canada website
List itemMaterial with restrictions
List itemLibrary and Archives Canada material
List itemThird-party material
List itemPublic domain material
List itemMaterial with a pre-authorized license
List itemFinding copyright information on the Library and Archives Canada website
List itemLinking to the Library and Archives Canada website
List itemPurchasing copies of archival records
List itemContacting the Copyright Bureau

List itemWhat is copyright?
Copyright refers to a bundle of rights, economic and moral, owned by authors; in addition, performers, sound recording producers, and broadcasters also have certain rights. For the purposes of what follows, copyright refers to "the right to copy or to reproduce" (the latter term is used in the Copyright Act). The Canadian Copyright Act gives copyright owners, among other rights, the right to reproduce their works, performances, sound recordings, and broadcasts. It also gives them the right to authorize others to reproduce their works, performances, sound recordings, and broadcasts.
List itemGeneral information on copyright and registration of copyright
For general information on Canadian copyright law or on application for registration of a copyright, please visit the Canadian Intellectual Property Office's (CIPO) website at http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrksv/cipo/welcome/welcom-e.html, or call the CIPO office at 819-997-1936.
List itemReproduction of material from the Library and Archives Canada website
Material on this website is produced and/or compiled by Library and Archives Canada for the purpose of providing Canadians with direct access to our collection. This includes all images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written material. Copyright in the material held in our collection may be owned by Library and Archives Canada or a third party, or may be in the public domain. Before reproducing material from the Library and Archives Canada website, please read the information below.
 For all material reproduced from our website, we ask that you respect the conditions listed below. These conditions apply to material that you have obtained written permission to reproduce from Library and Archives Canada and/or any unrestricted public domain material, which can be reproduced without permission. You may reproduce material from the Library and Archives Canada website provided that:

List item Library and Archives Canada is identified as the source;
List item You exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the material reproduced;
List item You do not manipulate and/or modify the material reproduced; and
List item The reproduction is not represented as an official version of the material reproduced or as having been made in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of, Library and Archives Canada.

List itemMaterial with restrictions
Some collections in the holdings of Library and Archives Canada are subject to use/reproduction restrictions, which may apply to material protected by copyright or in the public domain. Some restrictions require that you obtain written permission to reproduce the material and/or obtain copies. In cases like these, the use/reproduction restrictions will be clearly indicated on our website. For more information, please contact the Copyright Bureau at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
List itemLibrary and Archives Canada material
Some of the material you will find on the Library and Archives Canada website is protected by copyright owned by Library and Archives Canada. In such cases, users must obtain written permission from Library and Archives Canada prior to reproducing the material. To obtain permission, please contact the Copyright Bureau at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
List itemThird-party material
Some of the material you will find on the Library and Archives Canada website is protected by copyright owned by other organizations or individuals. In such cases, users must obtain written permission from the copyright owners prior to reproducing the material. To obtain contact information for copyright owners, please contact the Copyright Bureau at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
List itemPublic domain material
Some of the material you will find on the Library and Archives Canada website is in the public domain (meaning that the copyright term of protection has expired) and may be reproduced without permission or paying royalties as long as you abide by the reproduction conditions listed above. Public domain material will be clearly indicated as such on our website.
List itemMaterial with a pre-authorized license
The sites listed below include a pre-authorized license that permits users to reproduce material found on these sites for certain purposes, and without obtaining copyright permission.
 For these sites, copyright information and restrictions can be found by clicking on the "Copyright" button at the top or at the bottom of the home page. We ask you to read the pre-authorized licenses prior to reproducing any material found on these sites.
Sites with a pre-authorized license:

List item Canadian Olympians
List item Images Canada
List item Indian Affairs Annual Reports (1864-1990)
List item Learning Centre
List item PIKA: Canadian Children's Literature Database

List itemFinding copyright information on the Library and Archives Canada website
There are a number of ways to find copyright information on material that is described or digitized and made available on our website. Digital copies of selected material from our collection are available in our virtual exhibitions, digital collections, or directly through ArchiviaNet, one of our online research tools.
 On many of the Web pages of our virtual exhibitions and digital collections, you will find a "Copyright/Source" link (alternately, "Copyright" or "©") directly below the images or texts. Click on this link to find out who owns the copyright in this material. If the page you are visiting does not have a "Copyright/Source" link below the images or texts, it means that the information about who owns the copyright in the material is not available on the website. To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and/or restrictions on reproduction of this material, please contact the Copyright Bureau at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
 Alternatively, you will find a "detailed description" link below the images or texts in some of our virtual exhibitions. Click on this link for additional information on the material, including copyright information. You can also access descriptions and digital images of our collections directly through ArchiviaNet. If the description of an item in ArchiviaNet does not have information about the copyright status, it means that this information is not available on the website. To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and/or restrictions on reproduction of this material, please contact the Copyright Bureau at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
List itemLinking to the Library and Archives Canada website
Library and Archives Canada gives you permission to link to its website www.collectionscanada.ca/index-e.html. We only ask that you inform us by e-mail at copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca.
List itemPurchasing copies of archival records
For information on how to purchase copies of archival records, please contact:
Library and Archives Canada
General Reference / Researcher Services
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0N4
Telephone: 613-992-3884
Fax: 613-995-6274
E-mail: reference@lac-bac.gc.ca
List itemContacting the Copyright Bureau
For information on copyright ownership and/or restrictions on reproduction of material on this site, please contact:
Library and Archives Canada
Copyright Bureau
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0N4
Telephone: 613-992-2567
Fax: 613-996-1341
E-mail: copyright/droit_d'auteur@lac-bac.gc.ca
