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Further Research

Published Works

Many short general publications about Logan exist. The list below includes only those that are the most detailed, reliable, and based on primary source research.


Zaslow, Morris. Reading the Rocks: the Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972. Toronto and Ottawa: Macmillan, 1975.

Zeller, Suzanne. Inventing Canada: Early Victorian Science and the Idea of a Transcontinental Nation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987.


Cleevely, R.J. "John W. Salter, Sir William Logan, and Elkanah Billings: a Brief British Involvement in the First Decade of 'Canadian Organic Remains' (1859)." Earth Sciences History, Vol. 12 (1993), p. 142-159.

Eagan, William E. "'I Would Have Sworn my Life on Your Interpretation': James Hall, Sir William Logan and the 'Quebec Group'." Earth Sciences History, Vol. 6 (1987), p. 47-60.

_____. "Reading the 'Geology of Canada': Geological Discourse as Narrative." Scientia Canadensis, Vol. 16 (1992), p. 154-164.

_____. "The Canadian Geological Survey: Hinterland Between Two Metropolises." Earth Sciences History, Vol. 12 (1993), p. 99-106.

Heaman, Elsbeth A. The Inglorious Arts of Peace: Exhibitions in Canadian Society During the Nineteenth Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

  • Includes analysis of Logan's contribution to international exhibitions such as London 1851 and Paris 1855.]

Rygel, Michael C., and Brian C. Shipley. "'Such a Section as Never Was Put Together Before': Logan, Dawson, Lyell, and Mid-nineteenth-century Measurements of the Joggins Section." Atlantic Geology (forthcoming 2005).

Smith, Charles H. "William Logan's 1850 History of the Geological Survey of Canada." Geoscience Canada, Vol. 26 (1999), p. 111-120.

Smith, Charles H., and Ian Dyck. William Logan's 1845 Survey of the Upper Ottawa Valley. Mercury Series History Paper No. 54. Gatineau: Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Torrens, Hugh S. "William Edmond Logan's Geological Apprenticeship in Britain 1831-1842." Geoscience Canada, Vol. 26 (1999), p. 97-110.

von Bitter, Peter H. "Sir William Logan's Geological Maps of Canada." Map Collector, Vol. 68 (1994), p 12-18.

Zeller, Suzanne. "Mapping the Canadian Mind: Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1842-1863." Canadian Literature, Vol. 131 (1991), p. 157-167.

Archival Sources

Collections with significant Logan-related holdings are noted below. Occasional items of correspondence can also often be found in the papers of nineteenth-century geologists.


Robert Bell Papers, MG29 B15, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Robert Bell Papers, Special Collections, McGill University Library, Montréal

William Logan Collection, Manuscripts, Earth Sciences Information Centre, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa

William Logan Papers (Correspondence), McGill University Archives, Montréal

United Kingdom

GSM and IGS records, Archives, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire

Henry T. De la Beche Papers, Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Wales

Royal Institution of South Wales Papers, Swansea Museum, Swansea, Wales

United States

State Natural History Survey, Director's Papers (James Hall), State Library and State Archives, Albany, New York

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