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Graphical element Home > Sports > Hockey Français
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Banner: Backcheck: A Hockey RetrospectiveKids' Version
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Graphical elementIntroductionThe Origins of HockeyEarly Days of HockeyFrench-Canadian TraditionInternational HockeyAboriginal HockeyWomen's HockeyCommunity HockeyGraphical element
Search Term(s): "date unknown"
Results: (1-3 of 3)    

1. photograph
The Memorial Cup
National Archives of Canada/Canadian Amateur Hockey Association fonds/e000943073
Description: photograph
Theme(s): Memorial Cup
2. photograph
The Allan Cup
National Archives of Canada/Canadian Amateur Association fonds/e000943074
Description: photograph
Theme(s): Allan Cup
3. photograph
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) hockey team, "A division", date unknown
National Archives of Canada/George Mully collection/PA-112244
Description: photograph
Theme(s): Community Hockey

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