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Section title: Exploration and Settlement

This page offers a selection of Library and Archives Canada resources on the topic of exploration and settlement.  (Children's Resources Children's Resources, For Kids For Kids)

Digital Collections
Searchable collections of materials that are available online, such as textual documents, maps, photographs, architectural drawings and works of art.Graphical element
List itemThe Jesuit Relations and the History of New France
List itemMaps, Plans and Charts (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
List itemNew France New Horizons: On French Soil in America (Canada France Archives)
List itemPassenger Lists
List itemMontreal Emigrant Society Passage Book
List itemPort of New Westminster Register of Chinese Immigrants
List itemUpper Canada and Canada West Naturalization Records
List itemImmigrant Diaries and Guides
List itemThe Ward Chipman Papers
List itemThe Likacheff-Ragosine-Mathers Collection (LI-RA-MA)
Research Aids
Tools to help locate and use materials at Library and Archives Canada, such as guides, finding aids, catalogues, bibliographies and reference works.
List itemArctic Exploration and the Search for the Northwest Passage
List itemPrivate Archives and Colonial Records (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
List itemDictionary of Canadian Biography Online
List itemDocumentary Art (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
List itemPhotographs (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
List itemThe Search for Franklin and Franklin Relics: 1847-1880
List itemSelected Almanacs in Library and Archives Canada Collection
List itemWestern Land Grants, 1870-1930 (ArchiviaNet Research Tool)
External Links
Links to resources beyond the Library and Archives Canada website.
List itemCanadian Historical Association Booklets
List itemCanadian Information by Subject
List itemEarly Canadiana Online
Virtual Exhibitions
Informative sites that highlight and provide context for selected Library and Archives Canada materials.
List itemCanada - A Collector's Passion: The Peter Winkworth Collection
List itemCanada at Scale: Maps of our History
List itemThe Canadian West
List itemThe Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement For Kids
List itemLife of a Rock Star For Kids
List item Moving Here, Staying Here. The Canadian Immigrant Experience
List itemNew France New Horizons: On French Soil in America
List itemPassageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers For Kids
List itemPathfinders and Passageways: The Exploration of Canada
List itemPaul-Emile Miot: Photographs of Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island
List itemThe Shamrock and the Maple Leaf
List itemSusanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill Children's Resources
List itemShipwreck Investigations
List itemWilliam Hind's "Overlanders of '62 Sketchbook"
List itemWritten in Stone: William E. Logan and the Geological Survey of Canada
AMICUS and ArchiviaNet
In addition to our Digital Collections and Virtual Exhibitions, search AMICUS and ArchiviaNet for access to further materials.
List itemAMICUS
Provides bibliographic information about books, periodicals, music, video and other published materials in Library and Archives Canada's collection. AMICUS also shows holdings for other Canadian libraries.
List itemArchiviaNet
Provides access to our archival holdings from governmental and private sources, including textual documents, maps, works of art, photographs, videos and films, sound recordings, architectural drawings, stamps and medals.
See Also
List itemAboriginal Peoples