Arora, Ved, comp. - The Saskatchewan bibliography. - Regina: Saskatchewan Provincial Library, 1980. - 787 p.
- First supplement, 1979-1993. - Regina: Saskatchewan Library Ass., 1993. - 694 p.
Bishop, Olga B. et al. - Bibliography of Ontario history, 1876-1976: cultural, economic, political, social. - 2nd ed. enlarged and updated. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1980. - 2 vol.
- Continued by: The bibliography of Ontario history, 1976-1986 = La bibliographie de l'histoire ontarienne, 1976-1986. - [Edited by] Gaétan Gervais, Gwenda Hallsworth and Ashley Thomson; prepared for the Ontario Historical Society by the Institute for Northern Research and Development. - Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1989. - 605 p.
* Canada. Public Archives. - Annual report. - Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1872- . - Also published in French under the title: Rapport annuel
- Now produced by the National Archives of Canada, the title varies over the years.
- This annual report describes new acquisitions of archival fonds and manuscript collections.
- Earlier issues calendared or reproduced important documents.
Canadian history: a reader's guide. - Volume I: Beginnings to Confederation. - M. Brook Taylor, ed. - Volume 2: Confederation to the present. - Doug Owram, ed. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1994.
Commission internationale d'histoire militaire. Comité de bibliographie. - Bulletin de bibliographie. - No 1- . Lausanne, Suisse: Centre d'histoire, 1978- .
- Generally an annual, this publication highlights recent books reviewed by the Commission's national members. One member state hosts each issue and includes a retrospective, annotated bibliography of its military history. The title and name of the sponsoring organization has varied over the years. See especially: Thorpe, Fred, and others. - "Canadian military history: its books, its teaching = L'histoire militaire canadienne: ses livres, son enseignement." - Bibliographie internationale d'histoire militaire = International bibliography of military history = Internationale militärgeschichtliche bibliographie. - Vol. 16 (1995). - p. 137-181. Most of these references are also found in the various sections of these pathfinders.
- Note: This journal does not seem to be in the National Library collection.
Cooke, O.A. - The Canadian military experience 1867-1995: a bibliography = Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1995. - 3rd ed. - Ottawa: Directorate of History and Heritage, Dept. of National Defence, 1997. - 520 p. - (Department of National Defence Directorate of History and Heritage; Monograph series no. 2)
- Does not include journal articles.
- Note: This work does not include pre-Confederation material.
Deavy, Betty. - Great Britain official publications: collection guide = Les publications officielles de la Grande-Bretagne: guide de la collection. - Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1996. - 82 p.
- P. 43-50 includes valuable listings of military and genealogical material under the headings "Colonial Affairs", "Military, Naval and Air Force Lists" and "War Dead of the British Commonwealth."
Douglas, W.A.B. - "Marching to different drums: Canadian military history". - The journal of military history. - Vol. 56 (April 1992). p. 245-260
Dubé, Timothy D., comp. - Canada at war, 1939-1945: a survey of the archival holdings of the Second World War at the National Archives of Canada. - Waterloo, Ont.: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 1996. - 52 p.
Haycock, Ronald G. with Bernier, Serge. - Teaching military history: Clio and Mars in Canada = L'enseignement de l'histoire militaire: Clio et Mars au Canada.-- Athabasca, Alta.: Athabasca Univ., 1995. - 152 p. - (Teaching history = L'enseignement de l'histoire)
Hyam, Grace [et al.] - Manuscript Division. - Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1994. - 41 p. - (General guide series). - Title on added t.p.: Division des manuscrits
Hyatt, A.M.J. - "Military studies in Canada: an overview". - Revue internationale d'histoire militaire.-- No 51 (1982). - p. 328-349
Keshen, Jeff. - "Review essay: the new campaigns of Canadian military historians". - The American review of Canadian studies. - Vol. 23 (Autumn 1993). - p. 425-437
Lovering, Cynthia, comp. - Government Archives Division. - Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1991. - 154 p. - (General guide series). - Title on added t.p.: Division des archives gouvernementales
O'Brien, Jerome W.; Wright, Glenn T. - Sources for the study of the Second World War. - Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1979. - 22 p. - (Public Archives of Canada Public Records Division special publications series). - Title on added t.p.: Documents sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale
O'Dea, Agnes C., comp. - Bibliography of Newfoundland. - Anne Alexander, ed. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1986. - 2 vol.
Peel, Bruce Braden, comp. - A bibliography of the Prairie provinces to 1953. - 2nd ed. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1973. - 780 p.
- Supplementary bibliography compiled by the staff of the Edmonton Public Library Western Canadiana Collection, 1986.
Rouillard, Jacques, dir. - Guide d'histoire du Québec: du Régime français à nos jours: bibliographie commentée. - Montréal: Méridien, 1991. - [368] p.
Schurman, D.M. - "Writing about war". in Schultz, John, ed. - Writing about Canada: a handbook for modern Canadian history. - Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990. - p. 231-249
Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories = Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Joint project of the Public Archives of Canada and the Humanities Research Council of Canada. - Rev. (1975) ed. - Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada, 1975-1985. - 2 vol.and 4 vol.supplements
- Dated, and does not include all archival repositories, but still very useful.
- The intention is to continue the content of this work through the Canadian Archival Information Network: see Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet under Web Research.
Table of Contents