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Canadian Military History: An Overview
War of 1812
Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Northwest Campaign
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Second World War
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Second World War
General References

Industrial Mobilization, Business and Labour

Any study of industrial mobilization must begin with Kennedy's official history of the Department of Munitions and Supply, which describes the processes and institutions of government control of wartime production. This should be read along with Bothwell and Kilbourn's biography of C.D. Howe, who by the end of the war was being described as "the Minister of Everything," and C.P. Stacey's Arms, Men and Governments, listed under "Military Policy and Strategy" in the Government and the Military section, which provides a detailed discussion of the government's control of the economy.

Bothwell, Robert. -- "'Who's paying for anything these days?' War production in Canada, 1939-45". -- Mobilization for total war : the Canadian, American and British experience, 1914-1918, 1939-1945. -- Edited by N.F. Dreisiger. -- Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1981. -- P. 57-69

Chouinard, Craig. -- "Shipyard struggles : the origins of the Maritime Marine Workers' Federation in Saint John, N.B., 1939-1947". -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1995. -- 3 microfiches. -- (Canadian theses on microfiche). -- M.A. thesis, Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., 1995. -- 222 l.

  • Unionism at Saint John Drydock and Shipbuilding

Forbes, Ernest R. -- "Consolidating disparity : the Maritimes and the industrialization of Canada during the Second World War". -- Acadiensis. -- Vol. 15 (Spring/printemps 1986). -- P. 3-27

Gregg, William. -- Blueprint for victory : the story of military vehicle design and production in Canada from 1937-45. -- Rockwood, Ont. : Canadian Military Historical Society, 1981. -- 208 p. -- (Canadian military vehicle series, vol. III)

Hart, Douglas. -- "State economic management in wartime : a study of the 'regimentation' of industry in the Canadian industrial mobilization, 1939-1945". -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1981. -- 5 microfiches. -- (Canadian theses on microfiche). -- Ph.D. thesis, York Univ., Toronto, 1980. -- 386 l.

Kennedy, J. de N. -- History of the Department of Munitions and Supply : Canada in the Second World War. -- [Ottawa] : King's Printer, 1950. -- 2 vol.

Keshen, Jeff. -- "One for all or all for one : government controls, black marketing and the limits of patriotism, 1939-47". -- Journal of Canadian studies = Revue d'études canadiennes. -- Vol. 29 (Winter 1994-95). -- P. 111-143

Mackenzie, Hector. -- "Sinews of war and peace : the politics of Canadian economic aid to Britain, 1939-1949". -- International journal. -- Vol. 54, no. 4 (Autumn 1999). -- P. 648-670

Morrison, William R. ; Coates, Kenneth. -- Working the North : labor and the Northwest defense projects, 1942-1946. -- [S.l.] : Univ. of Alaska Press, 1994. -- [271] p.

  • Examines the roles of both military and civilian labour in building the Alaska Highway, the airfields and pipelines

Waddell, Christopher Robb. -- "The Wartime Prices and Trade Board : price control in Canada in World War II". -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, [1982]. -- 9 microfiches. -- (Canadian theses on microfiche). -- Ph.D. thesis, York Univ., Toronto, 1981. -- 818 l.

Webber, Jeremy. -- "The malaise of compulsory conciliation : strike prevention in Canada during World War II". -- The character of class struggle : essays in Canadian working-class history, 1950-1985. -- Edited by Bryan D. Palmer. -- Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1986. -- P. 138-159

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