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Canadian Military History: An Overview
War of 1812
Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Northwest Campaign
South African War
First World War
Second World War
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Second World War
General References

General Works

Bercuson, David J. -- Maple leaf against the Axis : Canada's Second World War. -- Toronto : Stoddart, 1995. -- 316 p.

Canada year book. -- Ottawa : King's Printer, 1940-46. -- 6 vol.

  • The "War Chronology" section in each volume forms a very detailed record of events at home and in the overseas theatres of war.

A country of limitations : Canada and the world in 1939 = Un pays dans la gêne : le Canada et le monde en 1939. -- Edited by Norman Hillmer et al. -- [S.l.] : Canadian Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1996. -- 295 p.

Douglas, W.A.B. ; Greenhous, Brereton. -- Out of the shadows : Canada in the Second World War. -- Toronto : Oxford Univ. Press, 1977. -- 288 p.

  • Rev. ed. -- Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1995. -- 304 p.

The good fight : Canadians and World War II. -- Edited by J.L. Granatstein and Peter Neary. -- Toronto : Copp Clark, 1995. -- 466 p.

  • A collection of documents and readings

Granatstein, J.L. ; Morton, Desmond. -- A nation forged in fire : Canadians and the Second World War 1939-1945. -- Toronto : Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1989. -- 287 p.

Reader's Digest. -- The Canadians at war, 1939/45. -- Montreal : Reader's Digest, 1969. -- 2 vol.

  • Reprinted in 1986 and 1995 as one volume, 480 p.

  • Still a useful summary of the war

  • Originally published with a supplement: The tools of war, 1939/45, and a chronology of important events

The Second World War as a national experience. -- Edited by Sidney Aster. -- Ottawa : Canadian Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1981. -- 218 p.

Stacey, C.P. -- The arts of war and peace, 1914-1945. -- Toronto : Macmillan, 1972. -- 656 p. -- (Historical documents of Canada, Volume V)

_____. -- Canada and the age of conflict. -- Vol. 2 ("1921-1948 : The Mackenzie King era"). -- Toronto : Univ. of Toronto Press, 1981. -- 491 p.

Vennat, Pierre. -- Les héros oubliés : l'histoire inédite des militaires canadiens-français de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. -- Montréal : Éditions du Méridien, 1997-98. -- 3 vol.

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