The Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838
Boyce, Betsy. -- The rebels of Hastings. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1992. -- 223 p.
Brearley, David. -- Hotbed of treason : Norwich and the rebellion of 1837. -- Norwich, Ont. : Norwich and District Historical Society Archives Committee, c1986. -- 108 p.
Dent, John C. -- The story of the Upper Canada rebellion : largely derived from original sources and documents. -- Toronto : C.B. Robinson, 1885. -- 2 vol.
Duquemin, Colin. -- Niagara rebels : the Niagara frontier in the Upper Canada rebellion, 1837-1838. -- St. Catharines, Ont. : Norman Enterprises, 2001. -- 299 p.
Graves, Donald. -- Guns across the river : the battle of the Windmill, 1838. -- Prescott : Friends of Windmill Point, 2001. -- 263 p.
Guillet, Edwin C. -- The lives and times of the patriots : an account of the rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838, and of the patriot agitation in the United States, 1837-1842. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1968. -- 304 p.
*Read, Colin. -- The rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada. -- Ottawa : Canadian Historical Association, 1988. -- 29 p. -- (Historical booklet, Canadian Historical Association, no. 46). -- Also published in French under the title: La rébellion de 1837 dans le Haut-Canada
_____. -- The rising in western Upper Canada, 1837-8 : the Duncombe revolt and after. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1982. -- 327 p.
The rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada : a collection of documents. -- Edited with an introduction by Colin Read and Ronald J. Stagg. -- Toronto : The Champlain Society in cooperation with the Ontario Heritage Foundation, 1985. -- 471 p.
- This essential book on the rebellion in Upper Canada includes a lengthy introduction by the editors; a broad selection of contemporary documents; and a detailed bibliography of archival sources, newspapers, books and articles.
Table of Contents