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About Shipwreck Investigations
at Library and Archives Canada

Illustration showing passengers abandoning the wreck of the S.S. ATLANTIC (CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, April 5, 1873)


An incident at the wreck of the S.S. Atlantic (Canadian Illustrated News, April 5, 1873)

The Shipwreck Investigations exhibition was produced by the Web Content and Services Division, Library and Archives Canada, and was made possible thanks to the expertise, commitment and enthusiasm of numerous contributors throughout Library and Archives Canada. The exhibition was written and researched by:

Jennifer Baetz
Brendan McNally
Glenn Wright, Research Officer, Library and Archives Canada

We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage, whose financial assistance through Canadian Culture Online (CCO) made this work possible.

Shipwreck InvestigationsAll archival, photographic and published material featured in the Shipwreck Investigations Web exhibition and accompanying database is held by Library and Archives Canada, and is represented in its original language.

Photograph of sailing vessels awaiting lockage in old Welland Ship Canal, circa 1890-1900


Sailing vessels awaiting lockage in old Welland Ship Canal, ca. 1890-1900


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