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Book Selection Criteria for the 1999 Edition

Books published in Canada or abroad with a Canadian author or illustrator:

  • Still available from publishers/distributors
  • Published between 1995 and 1999 in which the theme is HUMOUR
  • In both official languages, with due respect given to geographic distribution and ethnic and lingusitic diversity
  • Writtten for ages 2-16
  • Part of a balanced number of fiction and picture books
  • Where quality of text and illustrations and quality of text in relation to illustrations are evident


  • Texts which underline the amusing, funny or unusual aspects of a story.
  • Texts which include puns, plays on words per se, or plays on words between text and image.
  • Illustrations which are humorous or include aspects of caricature.
  • Texts and illustrations where irony is employed with due respect given to others.

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