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English Titles

Book with a musical theme  Indicates a book with a musical theme
Award-winning book  Indicates an award-winning book

Ages 3 to 6

Book with a musical theme There Is Music in a Pussycat (ages 3 to 5)
Book with a musical theme The Abaleda Voluntary Firehouse Band (ages 3 to 6)
Award-winning book A Child's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes (ages 3 to 7)
Book with a musical theme Jeremy's Decision (ages 3 to 7)
Book with a musical theme The Kugel Valley Klezmer Band (ages 3 and up)
Book with a musical theme The Boogie-Woogie Bear (ages 4 to 6)
Book with a musical theme Music for the Tsar of the Sea: A Russian wonder Tale (ages 4 to 7 )
Book with a musical theme Simon Makes Music (ages 4 to 7)
Book with a musical theme The Fabulous Song (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book A Screaming Kind of Day (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book Stella, Star of the Sea (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book The Great Poochini (ages 5 to 8)
Book with a musical theme Heartsong/Ceòl Cridhe (ages 5 to 8)
Book with a musical theme Benjamin & the Pillow Saga (ages 5 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Nathaniel's Violin (ages 5 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Shoot for the Moon, Robyn (ages 5 to 9)
Award-winning book The Great Race (ages 6 to 10)
Book with a musical theme The Pied Piper of Hamelin (ages 6 and up)

Ages 7 to 11

Award-winning book A Child's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes (ages 3 to 7)
Book with a musical theme Jeremy's Decision (ages 3 to 7)
Book with a musical theme Music for the Tsar of the Sea: A Russian Wonder Tale (ages 4 to 7)
Book with a musical theme Simon Makes Music (ages 4 to 7)
Book with a musical theme The Fabulous Song (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book A Screaming Kind of Day (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book Stella, Star of the Sea (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book The Great Poochini (ages 5 to 8)
Book with a musical theme Heartsong/Ceòl Cridhe (ages 5 to 8)
Book with a musical theme Benjamin & the Pillow Saga (ages 5 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Nathaniel's Violin (ages 5 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Shoot for the Moon, Robyn (ages 5 to 9)
Award-winning book The Great Race (ages 6 to 10)
Book with a musical theme The Pied Piper of Hamelin (ages 6 and up)
Book with a musical theme Around the World With Music (ages 7 to 10)
Book with a musical theme Beethoven Lives Upstairs (ages 7 to 10)
Book with a musical theme The Changeling (ages 7 to 10)
Award-winning book The Dragon New Year: A Chinese Legend (ages 7 to 10)
Award-winning book The Clay Ladies (ages 8 to 11)
Award-winning book If You Could Wear My Sneakers! (ages 8 to 11)
Award-winning book By Truck to the North: My Arctic Adventure (ages 8 to 12 )
Award-winning book The Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad (ages 8 to 12)
Book with a musical theme Musical Instruments from A to Z (ages 8 to 12)
Award-winning book The Secret of Gabi's Dresser (ages 8 to 12)
Book with a musical theme Tchaikovsky Discovers America (ages 8 and up)
Award-winning book How Can a Brilliant Detective Shine In the Dark? (ages 9 to 12)
Award-winning book Trapped in Ice (ages 9 to 13)
Book with a musical theme Amazing Grace: The Story of the Hymn (ages 9 and up)
Award-winning book The Wreckers (ages 10 to 13)
Award-winning book Make or Break Spring (ages 10 to 14)
Book with a musical theme The Secret Wish of Nannerl Mozart (ages 10 to 14)
Award-winning book Funny You Should Ask: Weird But True Answers to 115 1/2 Wacky Questions (ages 10 and up)
Book with a musical theme The Violin-Maker's Gift (ages 10 and up)
Award-winning book Wow, Canada!: Exploring This Land From Coast to Coast (ages 10 and up)
Award-winning book Alone at Ninety Foot (ages 11 to 14)
Award-winning book Silverwing (ages 11 and up)
Award-winning book Sunwing (ages 11 and up)
Award-winning book Willa's New World (ages 11 and up)

Ages 12 and up

Award-winning book By Truck to the North: My Arctic Adventure (ages 8 to 12)
Award-winning book The Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad (ages 8 to 12)
Book with a musical theme Musical Instruments from A to Z (ages 8 to 12)
Award-winning book The Secret of Gabi's Dresser (ages 8 to 12)
Award-winning book How Can a Brilliant Detective Shine In the Dark? (ages 9 to 12)
Award-winning book Trapped in Ice (ages 9 to 13)
Award-winning book The Wreckers (ages 10 to 13)
Award-winning book Make or Break Spring (ages 10 to 14)
Book with a musical theme The Secret Wish of Nannerl Mozart (ages 10 to 14)
Award-winning book Wow, Canada!: Exploring This Land from Coast to Coast (ages 10 and up)
Award-winning book Alone at Ninety Foot (ages 11 to 14)
Award-winning book Silverwing (ages 11 and up)
Award-winning book Sunwing (ages 11 and up)
Award-winning book Willa's New World (ages 11 and up)
Book with a musical theme The Maestro (ages 12 to 16)
Book with a musical theme The Minstrel Boy (ages 12 to 16)
Book with a musical theme Echoes from the Square (ages 12 and up)
Award-winning book What They Don't Know (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme Whiteout (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme Weekend at the Ritz (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Glenn Gould: The Genius and His Music: A Biography for Young People (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Drive (ages 15 and up)

English titles in braille format

Book with a musical theme Orchestranimals (ages 4 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Silent Night: The Song from Heaven (ages 5 and up)
Book with a musical theme Beethoven Lives Upstairs (ages 7 to 10)
Book with a musical theme Tchaikovsky Discovers America (ages 8 and up)
Book with a musical theme Amazing Grace: The Story of the Hymn (ages 9 and up)
Book with a musical theme My Name is Louis (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Centre Walk: Former Students of the Ontario School for the Blind (the W. Ross Macdonald School) Recall School Memories (ages 15 and up)

English titles on 4-track cassette

Book with a musical theme The Secret Wish of Nannerl Mozart (ages 10 to 14)
Book with a musical theme A Voice and a Dream: The Céline Dion Story (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Alanis Morissette: You Oughta Know (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Falling Into You: The Story of Céline Dion (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme My Name Is Louis (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Shania Twain: On My Way (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Centre Walk: Former Students of the Ontario School for the Blind (the W. Ross Macdonald School) Recall School Memories (ages 15 and up)

French titles

Ages 3 to 6

Book with a musical theme Plaisirs de musique (ages 3 to 6 )
Book with a musical theme Olivier ne sait pas (ages 3 to 7 )
Book with a musical theme Je joue du saxophone (ages 3 to 8 )
Award-winning book Une Charlotte en papillote (ages 4 to 6 )
Book with a musical theme Simon et la musique (ages 4 to 7)
Book with a musical theme Casse-Noisette (ages 4 to 8 )
Award-winning book Stella, étoile de la mer (ages 4 to 8)
Book with a musical theme Benjamin & la saga des oreillers (ages 5 to 9 )
Book with a musical theme Quand le chat est là les souris dansent (ages 5 to 9)
Award-winning book Charlotte et l'île du destin (ages 5 and up)
Book with a musical theme Le bossu de l'île d'Orlé (ages 6 to 9 )
Book with a musical theme Le joueur de flûte d'Hamelin (ages 6 and up)

Ages 7 to 11

Book with a musical theme Olivier ne sait pas (ages 3 to 7 )
Book with a musical theme Je joue du saxophone (ages 3 to 8 )
Book with a musical theme Simon et la musique (ages 4 to 7 )
Book with a musical theme Casse-Noisette (ages 4 to 8)
Award-winning book Stella, étoile de la mer (ages 4 to 8 )
Book with a musical theme Benjamin & la saga des oreillers (ages 5 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Quand le chat est là les souris dansent (ages 5 to 9)
Award-winning book Charlotte et l'île du destin (ages 5 and up)
Book with a musical theme Le bossu de l'île d'Orléans (ages 6 to 9)
Book with a musical theme Le joueur de flûte d'Hamelin (ages 6 and up)
Book with a musical theme Un tour du monde en musique (ages 7 and up)
Award-winning book Vladimirrr et compagnie (ages 8 to 10 )
Book with a musical theme Le diapason ensorcelé: Les aventures d'Étienne et de Maude (ages 8 to 11 )
Book with a musical theme Simon, l'éspion amoureux (ages 8 to 12 )
Book with a musical theme La vallée des enfants (ages 8 and up)
Book with a musical theme Rosalie a la belle étoile (ages 9 to 12 )
Book with a musical theme C'était un 8 août (ages 11 and up)

Ages 12 and up

Book with a musical theme Simon, l'éspion amoureux (ages 8 to 12 )
Book with a musical theme Rosalie to la belle étoile (ages 9 to 12 )
Book with a musical theme Concerto pour violon et cigales (ages 10 to 12 )
Award-winning book La ligne de trappe (ages 10 to 14 )
Book with a musical theme Mozarella (ages 10 to 14 )
Book with a musical theme C'était un 8 août (ages 11 and up)
Award-winning book La liberté? Connais pas... (ages 12 to 16 )
Book with a musical theme Do, ré, mi, échec et mat (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme Le grand désert blanc (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme La musique des choses (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme Emma Albani. La diva, la vedette mondiale (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Une fin de semaine au Ritz (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Glenn Gould (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Rêves de gloire (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Le temps s'enfuit (ages 14 and up)
Book with a musical theme Calixa Lavallée (ages 15 and up)

French titles in braille format

Book with a musical theme Simon et la musique (ages 4 to 7 )
Book with a musical theme Do, ré, mi, échec et mat (ages 12 and up)

French titles on 4-track cassette

Book with a musical theme Le piano et son âme (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme Symphonie, rock'n'roll (ages 12 and up)
Book with a musical theme L'île joyeuse (ages 15 and up)
Book with a musical theme Joseph Casavant, le facteur d'orgues romantique (ages 15 and up)