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The Culture of Cooking

Cover of cookbook, GRAHAM KERR'S TELEVISION COOKBOOK, with a caricature-style drawing of a man, probably Graham Kerr, carrying a tray of food while a woman hugs him Source


Graham Kerr. Graham Kerr's Television Cookbook. Vol. 3. [Rexdale, Ont.]: Common-Market Trading, [1968]

In the 1960s, Graham Kerr's rambunctious CBC television show was the talk of the country.

Cover of cookbook, MARGO OLIVER'S MOST TREASURED RECIPES, with a photograph of a table set with silver dishes containing various foods, while a fire burns in the background Source


Margo Oliver. Margo Oliver's Most Treasured Recipes. Montréal: Optimum, 1977

The 1970s have been described as an era of hedonism. In cooking, this often took the form of a fancy dessert such as Baked Alaska, with specialty coffees finishing off the meal. On the other hand, the lighter "nouvelle cuisine" was also beginning to attract attention.



Page 36 of cookbook, A CULINARY PALETTE: KITCHEN MASTERPIECES FROM SIXTY-FIVE GREAT ARTISTS, with recipes for Quick and Fresh for Two and Pork in Marsala Source

Joan Mackie. A Culinary Palette: Kitchen Masterpieces from Sixty-five Great Artists. Toronto: Merritt, 1981

Towards the end of the century, publishers decided that cooks would appreciate art as well as recipes. The result: the coffee table cookbook. These are beautiful objects, no doubt, but it is difficult to imagine the home cook with sticky, floury hands working from one on the kitchen table!

Cover of cookbook, CYNTHIA WINE'S HOT AND SPICY COOKING, with a photograph of plates of hot peppers and garlic Source


Cynthia Wine. Cynthia Wine's Hot & Spicy Cooking. Markham, Ont.: Penguin Books, 1984

The 1980s found Canadians developing an interest in hot and spicy international flavours -- charred red peppers, lots of fresh ginger and lime, and hot chillies. Cynthia Wine seems adept at spotting food trends and introducing them to the home cook.

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