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Publishers Included in This Kit

Three Books on Shelf

The following is a list of the publishers mentioned in this year's kit and information on how to contact them.

Annick Press
15 Patricia Avenue
Willowdale ON M2M 1H9
Telephone: 416-221-4802
Fax: 416-221-8400

Beach Holme Publishing Ltd.
4252 Commerce Circle
Victoria BC V8Z 4M2
Telephone: 604-727-6514
Fax: 604-727-6418

Black Moss Press
Order from:
Firefly Books Ltd.
250 Sparks Avenue
Willowdale ON M2H 2S4
Telephone: 416-499-8412; 800-387-6192
Fax: 416-499-8313

Bungalo Books
17 Elk Court, Suite 100
Kingston ON K7M 7A4
Telephone: 613-389-2494
Fax: 613-389-2351

Douglas & McIntyre Ltd.
585 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON M6G 1K5
Telephone: 416-537-2501/2
Fax: 416-537-4647

Les Éditions du Boréal
4447, rue Saint-Denis
Montréal QC H2J 2L2
Telephone: 514-287-7401
Fax: 514-287-7664

Éditions du Jour
See Sogides Ltée

Les Éditions du Raton laveur
C.P. 300 succ. Laflèche
Saint-Hubert QC J4T 3J2
Telephone: 514-445-5920
Fax: 514-445-9674

Éditions La Courte échelle inc.
5243, boul. Saint-Laurent
Montréal, QC H2T 1S4
Telephone: 514-274-2004
Fax: 514-270-4160

Éditions Fides
165, rue Deslauriers
Saint-Laurent QC H4N 2S4
Telephone: 514-745-4290; 1-800-363-1451
Fax: 514-745-4299

Les Éditions Héritage inc.
300, rue Arran
Saint-Lambert QC J4R 1K5
Telephone: 514-875-0327
Fax: 514-672-5448

Éditions La Maison folle
L'Enfant de la maison folle - out of print

Éditions Médiaspaul
3965, boul. Henri-Bourassa Est
Montréal QC H1H 1L1
Telephone: 514-322-7341
Fax: 514-322-4281

Éditions Paulines
See Éditions Médiaspaul

Éditions Pierre Tisseyre
5757, rue Cypihot
Saint-Laurent QC H4S 1X4
Telephone: 514-334-2690
Fax: 514-334-8395

Formac Publishing Company Ltd.
5502 Atlantic Street
Halifax NS B3H 1G4
Telephone: 902-421-7022; 1-800-565-1975
Fax: 902-425-0166

Greey de Pencier Books Inc. (Owl Books)
Order from:
Firefly Books Ltd.
250 Sparks Avenue
Willowdale ON M2H 2S4
Telephone: 416-499-8412; 1-800-387-6192
Fax: 416-499-8313

Groundwood Books
585 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor
Toronto ON M6G 1K5
Telephone: 416-537-2501/2
Fax: 416-537-4647

HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
55 Avenue Road, Suite 2900
Toronto ON M5R 3L2
Telephone: 416-975-9334
Fax: 416-975-9884

James Lorimer & Company, Publishers
Order from:
Formac Distributing
5502 Atlantic Street
Halifax NS B3H 1G4
Telephone: 902-421-7022; 1-800-565-1975
Fax: 902-425-0166

Kids Can Press Ltd.
Order from:
University of Toronto Press
5201 Dufferin Street
Downsview ON M3H 5T8
Telephone: 416-667-7791; 1-800-565-9523
Fax: 416-667-7832

Lester Publishing
56 The Esplanade, Suite 507A
Toronto ON M5E 1A7
Telephone: 416-362-1032
Fax: 416-362-1647

Macmillan Canada
29 Birch Avenue
Toronto ON M4V 1E2
Telephone: 416-963-8830; 1-800-667-1115
Fax: 416-923-4821

Maxwell Macmillan Canada
Order from:
Prentice Hall Canada Inc.
1870 Birchmount Road
Scarborough ON M1P 2J7
Telephone: 416-293-3621
Fax: 416-293-5646

Oxford University Press
See Stoddart Publishing Company Ltd.

Penguin Books Canada Ltd.
Agents for: Puffin Books
Distributed by: Canbook Services
1220 Nicholson Road
Newmarket ON L3Y 7V1
Telephone: 905-713-3852; 1-800-399-6858
Fax: 1-800-363- 2665

Puffin Books
See Penguin Books Canada Ltd.

Québec/Amérique jeunesse
1380 A, rue de Coulomb
Boucherville QC J4B 7J4
Telephone: 514-655-6084
Fax: 514-655-5166

Red Deer College Press
56 Avenue and 32nd Street, Box 5005
Red Deer AB T4N 5H5
Telephone: 403-342-3321
Fax: 403-340-8940

Reed Books Canada
204 Richmond Street West, Suite 300
Toronto ON M5V 1V6
Telephone: 416-598-0045
Fax: 416-598-0358

Scholastic Canada Ltd.
123 Newkirk Road
Richmond Hill ON L4C 3G5
Telephone: 905-883-5300
Fax: 905-883-4113

Second Story Press
720 Bathurst Street West, Suite 301
Toronto ON M5S 2R4
Telephone: 416-537-7850
Fax: 416-537-0588

Sogides Ltée
Order from:
Agence de distribution populaire inc.
1261 A, rue Shearer
Montreal QC H3K 3G4
Telephone 514-523-1182
Fax: 514-939-0705

Stoddart Publishing Company Ltd.
34 Lesmill Road
Don Mills ON M3B 2T6
Telephone: 416-445-3333
Fax: 416-445-5967

Tree Frog Press
10144-89 Street
Edmonton AB T5H 1P7
Telephone: 403-429-1947
Fax: 403-425-8760

Tundra Books/
Livres Toundra inc.
345, ave. Victoria, #604
Montréal QC H3Z 2N2
Telephone: 514-932-5434
Fax: 514-484-2152