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Place of birth: Brampton, Ontario
Place of residence: Palgrave, Ontario

For over 20 years Jim McGugan has been an elementary-school teacher, a guidance counsellor, an educational consultant, an editor, and a writer. The author of two books for children, he draws on all his experiences when he writes and is presently at work on another illustrated story and a novel for young readers. Jim McGugan lives in Palgrave, Ontario with his wife, two daughters, and, according to the author information in his first book, with his lawn tractor, Grumplegrunt. His family provides inspiration, while "Grumbles" offers adventure and unexpected thrills.

Selected Bibliography

Josepha: A Prairie Boy's Story. Illustrated by Murray Kimber. Red Deer, Alta.: Red Deer College Press, c1994.
32 p.: col. ill.; 23 cm. (Northern lights books for children)
ISBN 0889951012

Project Egg. Illustrated by Don Gauthier. Scarborough, Ont.: Nelson Canada, 1989.
110 p.: ill.; 18 cm. (Nelson novels)
ISBN 017602591X