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Publishers Included in RUOI 2002

Annick Press
15 Patricia Avenue
Toronto ON M2M 1H9
1-800-387-6192 (toll free)
Fax: 416-499-8313
1-800-450-0391 (toll free)
Email: annick@annickpress.com
Website: www.annickpress.com

Coteau Books
401, 2206 Dewdney Avenue
Regina SK S4R 1H3
1-800-440-4471 (toll free)
Fax: 306-522-5152
Email: coteau@coteaubooks.com
Website: www.coteaubooks.com

Dominique et compagnie
(a division of Éditions Héritage Inc.)
300 Arran Street
Saint-Lambert QC J4R 1K5
Fax: 450-672-5448
Email: info@editionsheritage.com
Website: www.ldj.tm.fr/editeurs/editeurs/dominique.htm

Doubleday Canada see Random House of Canada Limited

Éditions Banjo/Modulo jeunesse
233 Dunbar Avenue, Room 300
Ville Mont-Royal QC H3P 2H4
1-888-738-9818 (toll free)
Fax: 514-738-5838
1-888-273-5247 (toll free)
Email: info@editionsbanjo.ca
Website: www.editionsbanjo.ca

Les éditions de la courte échelle inc.
5243 Saint-Laurent Boulevard
Montreal QC H2T 1S4
Fax: 514-270-4160
Email: info@courteechelle.com
Website: www.courteechelle.com

Éditions de la Paix
127 Lussier Street
Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby QC J0E 2A0
Fax: 450-375-4765
Email: info@editpaix.qc.ca
Website: www.editpaix.qc.ca

Les Éditions du Boréal
4447 Saint-Denis Street
Montreal QC H2J 2L2
Fax: 514-287-7664
Email: boreal@editionsboreal.qc.ca
Website: www.editionsboreal.qc.ca

Éditions Fides
165 Deslauriers Street
Saint-Laurent QC H4N 2S4
Fax: 514-745-4299
Email: editions@fides.qc.ca

Éditions Hurtubise HMH
1815 De Lorimier Avenue
Montreal QC H2K 3W6
1-800-361-1664 (toll free)
Fax: 514-523-9969
Email: edition.jeunesse@hurtubisehmh.com
Website: www.hurtubisehmh.com

Éditions Michel Quintin
4818 Foster Street
Waterloo QC J0E 2N0
Fax: 514-539-4905
Email: mquintin@mquintin.com

Éditions Pierre Tisseyre
5757 Cypihot Street
Ville Saint-Laurent QC H4S 1R3
Fax: 514-334-8395
Email: info@tisseyre.qc.ca

Les Éditions Québec Amérique
329 Commune Street West
3rd floor
Montreal QC H2Y 2E1
Fax: 514-499-3010
Email: courrier@quebec-amerique.com
Website: www.quebec-amerique.com

Les éditions Scholastic Canada ltée. see Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Éditions Vents d'ouest inc.
185 Eddy Street
Hull QC J8X 2X2
Fax: 819-770-0559
Email: ventsoue@magi.com

Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd.
195 Allstate Parkway
Markham ON L3R 4T8
1-800-387-9776 (toll-free)
Fax: 905-477-9179
1-800-260-9777 (toll-free)
Email: godwit@fitzhenry.ca
Website: www.fitzhenry.ca

Groundwood Books see Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre Publishing Group

Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre Publishing Group
720 Bathurst Street, Suite 500
Toronto ON M5S 2R4
Fax: 416-537-4647
Email: dm@douglas-mcintyre.com
Website: www.douglas-mcintyre.com

HarperCollins Canada Ltd.
55 Avenue Road, Suite 2900
Toronto ON M5R 3L2
Fax: 416-975-5223
Email: hcorder@harpercollins.com
Website: www.harpercanada.com

Key Porter Books
70 The Esplanade
Toronto ON M5E 1R2
Fax: 416-862-2304
Email: bkalbfleisch@keyporter.com
Website: www.keyporter.com

Kids Can Press
29 Birch Avenue
Toronto ON M4V 1E2
Fax: 416-960-5437
Email: webmaster@kidscan.com
Website: www.nelvana.com/kidscanpress/KidsCanPress_3/

Le Loup de gouttière
347 Saint-Paul Street
Québec QC G1K 3X1
Fax: 418-694-2225
Email: loupgout@videotron.ca

3965 Henri-Bourassa Boulevard East
Montreal QC H1H 1L1
Fax: 514-322-4281
Email: information@mediaspaul.qc.ca
Website: www.mediaspaul.qc.ca/

Napoleon Publishing/RendezVous Press
1005-3266 Yonge Street
Toronto ON M4N 3P6
1-877-730-9052 (toll free)
Fax: 416-226-9975
Email: transmedia@sympatico.ca
Website: www.transmedia95.com

Orca Book Publishers
P.O. Box 5626, Station B
Victoria BC V8R 6S4
1-800-210-5277 (toll free)
Email: orca@orcabook.com
Website: www.orcabook.com

Owl Books/Greey de Pencier Books Inc.
51 Front Street East, Suite 200
Toronto ON M5E 1B3
Fax: 416-360-0525
Email: owlbooks@owlbooks.on.ca
Website: www.owlkids.com

Penguin Books Canada Ltd.
10 Alcorn Avenue, Suite 300
Toronto ON M4V 3B2
Fax: 416-925-0068
Website: www.penguin.ca

Puffin Books see Penguin Books Canada Ltd.

Les 400 coups
8530 Foucher Street
Montreal QC H2P 2C5
Fax: 514-381-1480
Email: 400coups@qc.aira.com

Random House of Canada Ltd.
2775 Matheson Boulevard East
Mississauga ON L4W 4P7
Fax: 905-624-6217
Email: canadaweb@randomhouse.com
Website: www.randomhouse.ca

Red Deer Press
MLT 813, 2500 University Drive North West
Calgary AB T2N 1N4
Fax: 403-210-8191
Email: khanson@ucalgary.ca
Website: www.reddeerpress.com

Saratime Publishing Inc.
363 Churchill Avenue North
Ottawa ON K1Z 5C4
Fax: 613-728-0755
Email: info@saratimepublishing.com
Website: www.theserpentsegg.com

Scholastic Canada Ltd.
175 Hillmount Road
Markham ON L6C 1Z7
1-800-268-3860 (toll free)
Fax: 1-800-387-4944 (toll free)
Email: custserve@scholastic.ca
Website: www.scholastic.ca

Second Story Press
720 Bathurst Street, Suite 301
Toronto ON M5S 2R4
Fax: 416-537-0588
Email: sales@secondstorypress.on.ca
Website: www.secondstorypress.on.ca

Sono Nis Press
P.O. Box 5550, Station B
Victoria B.C. V8R 6S4
1-800-370-5228 (toll free)
Fax: 250-598-7866
Email: sono.nis@islandnet.com
Website: www.islandnet.com/sononis/

Soulières Éditeur
P.O. Box 36563
598 Victoria Street
Saint-Lambert QC J4P 3S8
Fax: 450-465-5828
Email: soulieres.edit@videotron.ca

Stoddart Publishing
895 Don Mills Road
400-2 Park Centre
Toronto ON M3C 1W3
Fax: 416-445-5967
Email: stoddart@genpub.com
Website: www.stoddartpub.com

Thistledown Press, Ltd.
633 Main Street
Saskatoon SK S7H 0J8
Fax: 306-244-1762
Email: marketing@thistledown.sk.ca
Website: www.thistledown.sk.ca

Tundra Books/Livres Toundra
481 University Avenue, Suite 900
Toronto ON M5G 2E9
1-800-788-1074 (toll free)
Fax: 416-598-0247
Email: tundra@mcclelland.com
Website: www.tundrabooks.com

Viking see Penguin Books Canada Ltd.