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Disposition refers to the process which enables government institutions to dispose of records which no longer have operational value, either by permitting their destruction (at the discretion of institutions), by requiring their transfer to Library and Archives Canada, or by agreeing to their alienation from the control of the Government of Canada.

Government Records Appraisal and Disposition Program

Library and Archives Canada is charged with various responsibilities regarding the disposition of information created by federal institutions in support of public policy, administration of government and program delivery.

In accordance with the Library and Archives of Canada Act, only the Librarian and Archivist of Canada may authorize the disposition of government records by issuing one of the following types of Records Disposition Authorities (RDAs):

  1. Multi-Institutional Disposition Authorities (MIDA)
    relate to records managed by all or a multiple number of government institutions, and allow the institutions to dispose of records under certain terms and conditions;
  2. Institution Specific Disposition Authorities (ISDAs)
    relate to records managed by a single government institution, and allow the institution to dispose of their records under certain terms and conditions.

The Records Disposition Authorities Control System (RDACS) – coming soon
The Records Disposition Authorities Control System (RDACS) is an information system that contains summary descriptions of Records Disposition Authorities granted by the Librarian and Archivist to federal institutions, as well as online copies of relevant documentation. It includes descriptions of more than 2,200 authorities. RDACS is available to federal institutions [http://rdacs-syscad.lac-bac.gc.ca/index_en.html]. Library and Archives Canada is currently working towards making the system available to the public.