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Place of birth: Liège, Belgium
Place of residence: Gatineau, Quebec

A University of Montreal graduate, Jean-Pierre Davidts is a professional translator now living in the Hull-Ottawa area. He has an M.A. in translation (1975) and a B.Sc. in biology (1973), as well as a B.A. (1970) from the Collège Mont-Saint-Louis in Montreal. However, it was in his native Belgium that he developed a love for cartoons and comic books. In 1987, his story entitled Griffedor et le dragon was awarded first prize in the writers' competition of the Salon du livre de l'Outaouais. The two characters, Griffedor and the Dragon, appeared in his first book for children, a story that received the Desjardins literary award, aimed at rewarding excellence in a first or second published work.


Desjardins Literary Award, Youth Literature category, for Contes du chat gris.

Selected Bibliography

Le Chat gris raconte. Illustrated by Pascale Constantin. Montréal: Boréal, 1996.
155 p.: ill.; 18 cm. (Boréal junior 43)
ISBN 2890527395

Contes du chat gris. Illustrated by Dominique Jolin. Montréal: Boréal, 1994.
111 p.: ill.; 18 cm. (Boréal junior 35)
ISBN 2890526437

La Machine à laver hantée. Illustrated by Luc Bélanger. Gatineau, Québec: La Vache volante, c1995.
120 p.: ill.; 18 cm.
ISBN 2921810018

Nouveaux contes du chat gris. Illustrated by Jacques Laplante. Montréal: Boréal, 1995.
128 p.: ill.; 18 cm. (Boréal junior 390)
ISBN 2890526933