Busy Bees and Civil Service Stars Demonstrate Skirts and Side Combs are no Bar to Playing Hockey -- Interesting Encounter.
And it was just perfectly lovely; at least Tom Phillips and Alf. Smith said so, and they ought to know. A bevy of Fluffy Ruffles held the ice at the Arena yesterday afternoon and gave a very credible impersonation of a hockey match. Body-checking -- beg pardon, agitation of the physique to such an extent side combs were dislodged -- figured prominently in a 3-0 win for the Busy Bees over the All-Star Civil Service team. No, the referee wasn't exactly crooked, but the mean thing might have allowed some of these off-sides to go. And just think, he put one of the Bees off, penalizing her for rough play. Right wing Miss Dewar, suffered the penalty, but as her side rather monopolized matters during the two 15 minute halves, it didn't cut much figure.
The honeysuckles were all to the Lowney bon bons. The Misses Baldwin, playing in center ice, made Marty Walsh and "Rat" Westwick turn green with envy. They handled their sticks as though they were crochetting a tea cosy and circled the defence of the departmental belles with the same nimbleness one sees in the grand change. Combination was theirs also, and in this they were ably assisted by wings, the Misses Dewar and Gardner on the right and left respectively. The quartette very often went down the ice four abreast al la Saratoga lancers style with the band playing "Moonlight" softly.
Defence girls, Living and Alexander, however, were most effective at breaking up rushes, taking a chance of destroying a seventy-five cent hair dress to prevent a score.
The defence of the Bees was the direct cause of the failure of the Civil Service line to score. Miss Higman at cover wore the joy bells when it came to shattering a rush. She administered legitimate shape encounters that would drive Cora, the beautiful cloak model, from the footlights. Miss Rowan was also there with the heavy bump and once introduced the rowdy dowdy, which sent Miss Alexander to the floor. The referee was very lenient, however, but kept the ladies well under control. Miss Byrne had a very cool time at her end of the rink, while Miss Beith, for the C.S., notwithstanding the fact she had no dead one in front of her, was called upon to save many times, which she did, all but three.
Two sticks were broken, which caused a short cessation of hostilities, and at half-time the players sat on the railing, showing conclusively they were in good physique. There was a great discussion among some of the reporters of the Civil Service during the rest, regarding the referee. He was not officiating in their minds to suit. However, no direct charge was made against him.
Owing to a tete-a-tete between both teams, the puck was not faced in the second half till five minutes after the whistle blew. The referee made strenuous efforts to have play resumed but the fair stick handlers were deaf to his entreaties. The very best spirit pervaded the struggle. Once Miss Higman crashed with Miss Potter and a shower of tortoise shell combs pattered on the ice. Everyone ceased fire and helped recover the derelict articles. Evelyn Thaw might look brave and good in the witness box, but commend us to the lady hockey player when it comes to putting on something chic (if pronounced properly).
The teams lined out as follows:
Miss Byrne |
Miss Rowan |
Miss Higman |
Miss Baldwin |
Miss Dewar Miss Baldwin Miss Gardner |
0 |
Miss Lang Miss Potter Miss Chilton |
Miss Lefurgey |
Miss Alexander |
Miss Living |
Miss Beith |