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National Library of Canada Acquires Seventeenth-Century Ballad

Ottawa, February 21, 2000 -- The ballad tells the story of the first conquest of Canada by English adventurers and is the earliest known separate publication in English relating to Canada. It had been discovered years earlier in the binding of a seventeenth-century work where it was used to strengthen the hinges. The National Library of Canada has acquired the only known copy of Englands Honour Revived, written in 1628 by the famous balladeer Martin Parker. In celebration of Heritage Day, this page from Canada's past will be on display at the National Library of Canada until the end of February.

"On this, Canada's special day to celebrate its culture and heritage, I am delighted that this unique story from our past has come to light and is now available for all Canadians to share. It is a day for us to look at the past with a view to the future", said Roch Carrier, National Librarian of Canada.

Sold for a penny, ballads were a popular form of entertainment in England and supplied people with sensational stories based on current events. According to Michel Brisebois, the Library's Rare Book Curator, "Few have survived. They were typically read, passed around and quickly discarded. Its uniqueness makes it an important addition to the National Library's collection."

Informed of its availability by Montreal book dealer Helen Kahn, the National Library purchased the ballad from a British antiquarian book dealer. The Library received financial assistance through a patriation grant from Canadian Heritage and the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board. This type of grant is given to purchase objects located outside the country and of major importance to Canada's cultural heritage.


For further information, please contact

Michel Brisebois
Rare Book Curator

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Englands Honour Revived by the valiant exploytes of Captain Kirke, and his adherents, who with three Ships, vis. the Abigale Admirall, the Charitie vice Admirall, and the Elizabeth the reare Admirall: did many admirable exploytes... [ followed by ] The Second Part: To the Same Tune. [London]: Printed for M. Trundle, Widdow, n.d. [ca. October 1628.] 2 broadsides. approx. 10 3/8 X 8 inches. Woodcuts.

A Short History of the Kirke Expedition

During the early period of North American colonization, it was not unusual for rival nations to claim the same territory. Accordingly, in 1623, King James I granted authority to Sir William Alexander to colonize areas of New France, regardless of any French settlements there. By 1625, with the accession of Charles I, war had broken out with France. Alexander, aided by a group of wealthy merchants, dispatched two expeditions against the French in Canada. The Kirke brothers, David, Lewis and Thomas, were the principal commanders.

The first expedition, celebrated in Englands Honour Revived, sailed in the spring of 1628. The expedition of three ships swiftly defeated the French forces in Canada. Kirke's men captured and plundered all French settlements along the St. Lawrence except Quebec. Believing Quebec to be more heavily fortified than it was, the expedition returned to England without attacking the primary settlement. They did arrive, however, bearing valuable booty and several high-profile prisoners.

The Kirke brothers subsequently returned to Canada in 1629, this time compelling Champlain to surrender Quebec. The adventurers occupied Quebec in the name of England and returned with Champlain as prisoner. Much to the chagrin of the Kirke brothers and their financiers, King Charles had made peace with France and returned the possession in exchange for cash.

The Author

Dryden refers to Martin Parker (d. 1656) as "the best ballad-maker of his day." He was the author of numerous printed broadside ballads, as well as several small chapbooks and romances. A staunch royalist, Parker's ballad "When the King enjoys his owne again", in support of Charles I, was called the "most famous popular air ever heard in this country" by Ritson, in his Ancient Songs. A number of Parker's ballads survived for centuries as popular songs, such as "When the stormy winds do blow". Many of Parker's lesser known ballads are preserved in a unique collection in the British Museum.

Photo Photo

Englands Honour re[v]ived.

By the valiant exploytes of Captaine Kirke, and his adherents, who with three Ships, viz. the Abigaile Admirall, the Charitie vice Admirall, and the Elizabeth the reare Admirall: did many admirable exploytes; as is exactly showne in the iusuing story. To the Tune of King Henries going to Bulloyne.

Brave Souldiers of this island,
That fight by Sea, or by Land,
Attention give unto this gallant newes:
Which commeth to revive our hearts
Lately dul'd; to feele the smarts,
Of those true Christians whom our foes misuse. 6

Three Ships that lancht fo[r]th lately,
(Vessels tall and stately,)
Under the command of brave Captaine Kirke.
Hath had such auspitious chance,
Against our vaunting foes of France,
That all true English may applaude this worke. 12

Upon the second day of May,
One the coast of Canaday,
Our English vessels safely did arive;
And tooke a Ship of Biskany
Which did in the Harbour lie,
That by the trade of Fishing sought to thrive. 18

A Frenchman in her company,
They surprised valiantly,
And after that a vessel call'd the Post:
Our Englishmen in fight subdude,
Thus their good fortunes they persude,
And vext their Enemies on their owne coast. 24

I cannot tell you truely,
What past twixt then and July,
But in that month upon the thirteenth day:
Foure mighty and tall French Ships of Warre,
Came supposing us to scarre,
And so they did the cleane contrary way. 30

Sure never any mortall wight,
Beheld a fiercer Sea-fight,
Then was betweene those foure French Ships and ours:
They for full ten howers space,
Strove for Victory apace,
On either side the Sea men shewde their powers. 36

At la[st] (by Heavens assistance,)
After this long resistance,
Our English over came the French in fight:
And like brave Conquerors did surprise,
Both Ships and goods, in warlike wise,
Thus did they coole the Frenchmens courage quite. 42

And yet the (Lord be thanked,)
In all this bloody banquet,
Wherein so many Frenchmen were struke dead:
Not any one oth' English side,
In the furious Battell dyde,
This is a thing that may be Chronicled. 48

Neither was any of our men,
In the Skirmish wounded then,
But onely one who was a Trumpeter:
And he as I doe understand,
Was with a Bullet shot ith' hand,
Gods power then let's before our owne preferre. 54

For had not he us aided,
I needes must be perswaded,
We had not beene so merveilously saved:
As not one Englishman to dye,
In gaining such a Victory,
That may for after ages be ingraved. 60

[The line numbers at the end of each verse are not on the original broadsides. They have been added here for convenient reference to the appended editor's notes.]

The second Part: To the same Tune.

To prosecute my story,
Unto those Sea-mens glory,
According to the truth of what befell:
I must proceed to the next day,
Where on the coast of Canaday,
Another shippe our
English then did quell, 66

This shippe with Fish was laden well,
Which to Sea-mens shares then fell:
And after that in August 'twas their chance,
About Saint Peters Iland then,
To try their valour once agen:
They met and fought with five more ships of France. 72

Among those shippes then by Gods helpe,
Was one that's cald the Lyons Whelpe,
Which shippe belongd to Queen Elizabeth,
From us twas taken in those dayes
By the French: yet now she stayes,
lth English power to fight for the true Faith. 78

And in the Elizabeth of Diepe,
Which was the Admirall of the Fleete:
The Governour oth Ilands sonne was there.
Who was in France I understand,
To learne the language of the land,
And now he's come to learne some English here, 84

He's a brave and proper Prince,
And lives in London ever since,
Where many people see him every day
For oft he walkes in the Exchange,
To see our customes to him strange,
By some he's cald the Prince of Canaday. 90

This Iland as it well appeares,
Hath bin almost this twenty yeeres
possessed by the French; but this invasion
Hath frustrated their hopes almost,
All their providings quite are crost
They are like I thinke to leave off that Plantation. 96

For these th[re]e shippes of England,
Comming t[h]ither ith Spring: and
Increasing still their number by their might,
Have ransackt burnt and spoyled all:
That into their hands did fall,
Which hath disfurnisht them of victuall quite. 102

Forthwith it is declared,
That those French shippes cari'd,
Provision full enough to serve three yeeres
And for the p[r]eservation,
Of that hope[f]ull new Plantation,
Where they made account as well appeares. 108

But now all is surprised
As it is surmised
That if more land-men had bin in our Fleet
The Iland had bin overrun,
And for the King of England woon,
It may be that ere long we so may see't, 114

Just threesc[o]re Bullockes fat and faire,
By our English burned were,
Which was a pitious object to behold,
But twas farre better to doe so
Then to have left them for our foe
For we had more then carry well we could. 120

Thus our valient Captaine Kirk,
Did the French men soundly jerk,
And pur[ch]ast honour unto h's native land
Oh had we many like to him,
Then England would in credit swim,
And France nor Spaine could not against us stand. 126

Our gracious King and Queene God save,
With all the Privy Counsell grave,
And send reliefe to Rochel in distresse,
Oh now when earthly meanes doth faile,
Let Heavenly power at last prevaile,
Amen, cry all that doe true Faith professe. 132


Printed for M. Trundle, Widdow