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IntroductionThe Hack (1500-1800)The Hogline (1760-1850)The House (after 1850)Burned Stones: Curling LoreGallery

Educational Resources

Timeline of the History of Curling in Canada

Description of Activity

After reading "The Hogline," students will create a timeline of important dates showing the development of the sport of curling as it spread across Canada, and write a persuasive paragraph.


Two to three 40-minute lessons


This lesson can easily be integrated into

  • a data management unit
  • a language unit that involves reading and interpreting non-fiction materials
  • a social studies unit that explores cultural relationships linking communities and regions across Canada


Students may self-assess or be assessed by peers for the timelines using a simple rubric Timeline of the History of Curling in Canada Rubric; they will assess the accuracy and selection of information from the text, the organization of the timeline, and the effectiveness of the writing in the persuasive paragraph.

The teacher may use the same rubric.


  • Have students read the article "The House," either as a class guided-reading activity or working independently.
  • In the second reading, instruct students to search for, and highlight in the article, examples of important dates (e.g., Before 1850 curling was found only in Eastern Canada; in 1879 curling was established in P.E.I., etc.).
  • Discuss with students how dates and information can be shown simply on a timeline. Explain the need to accurately space out the dates to show the amount of time that has passed. Demonstrate on the board, using a simple timeline.
  • Ask students to choose 12 important dates that show how curling spread across Canada, then to create a timeline to display the dates, with a few words about each date.
  • In the next lesson, model how to write persuasive text. Then ask the students to write a paragraph, using information from their timelines. The paragraph should convince the reader of the importance of curling in creating and developing relationships between communities across Canada.

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