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Second World War
General References


The authors have included the English edition of works if they are available in both French and English. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are known to be available in French. Most titles included in this guide are held by Library and Archives Canada, and many are available for interlibrary loan, both within Canada and abroad.

Bibliographies and Guides

For a comprehensive understanding of Canada's participation in a global conflict, the reader must look not only at purely military published bibliographies, such as that by Cooke, but also at Canadian regional and national bibliographies, and those bibliographies that include the international scope of the war. The article by Bothwell in Canadian History: A Reader's Guide, situates the war within the historiography of the broader history of Canada. Arora, Artibise, Bishop, O'Dea, Peel and Rouillard all treat the war within a regional framework, but all are dated to a greater or lesser degree. Bayliss, Enser, the New York Public Library, Rohwer and Müller, and Smith provide the international dimension, although each provides a different emphasis. Probably the most useful, and the most up-to-date, is the work edited by Rohwer and Müller, which provides bibliographies to a variety of national experiences.

Both Dubé, and O'Brien and Wright provide guidance to Canadian national archival resources. Dubé includes some guidance to media other than textual. Hyam and Lovering should be used along with the ArchiviaNet search tool on the Library and Archives Canada website (see section on Web Research), to supplement and identify specific archival source materials.

Anthony, Effie C. -- Canada and the Second World War : the home front and war aims : a bibliography. -- [S.l.] : Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, McGill Univ., 1991. -- [55] p.

  • The strength of this bibliography is in its inclusion of wartime articles and studies

Arora, Ved, comp. -- The Saskatchewan bibliography. -- Regina : Saskatchewan Provincial Library, 1980. -- 787 p.

_____. -- First supplement, 1979-1993. -- Regina : Saskatchewan Library Ass., 1993. -- 694 p.

Artibise, Alan F.J. -- Western Canada since 1870 : a select bibliography and guide. -- Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1978. -- 294 p.

Bayliss, Gwyn M. -- Bibliographic guide to the two World Wars : an annotated survey of English-language reference material. -- London : Bowker, 1977. -- 578 p.

  • Well-organized and well indexed, but limited in scope and somewhat idiosyncratic. This work is now very dated

Bell, Sandra M. -- Victory bonding : wartime messages from Canada's government, 1939-1945 : a bibliography = Victoire oblige : les messages du Gouvernement canadien pendant la guerre, 1939-1945 : une bibliographie. -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1995. -- 15 p.

Bishop, Olga B., et al. -- Bibliography of Ontario history, 1876-1976 : cultural, economics, political, social. -- 2nd ed. enlarged and updated. -- Toronto : Univ. of Toronto Press, 1980. -- 2 vol.

  • Continued by The bibliography of Ontario history, 1976-1986 = La bibliographie d'histoire ontarienne, 1976-1986. -- [Edited by] Gaétan Gervais, Gwenda Hallsworth and Ashley Thomson ; prepared for the Ontario Historical Society by the Institute for Northern Research and Development. -- Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1989. -- xxxiv, 605 p.

Canadian history : a reader's guide. -- Volume 2 : Confederation to the present. -- Edited by Doug Owram. -- Toronto : Univ. of Toronto Press, 1994.

  • The essay by Robert Bothwell, "Foreign relations and defence policy", p. 51-85, comments on many of the best works, but there is also useful material in the sections on specific topics, such as labour or women

Cooke, O.A. -- The Canadian military experience 1867-1995 : a bibliography = Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1995. -- 3rd ed. -- Ottawa : Directorate of History and Heritage, Dept. of National Defence, 1997. -- 520 p. -- (Department of National Defence Directorate of History and Heritage ; monograph series no. 2)

  • Limited to works that are chiefly military

  • Does not include journal articles

Dubé, Timothy D., comp. -- Canada at war, 1939-1945 : a survey of the archival holdings of the Second World War at the National Archives of Canada. -- Waterloo, Ont. : Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 1996. -- 52 p.

Enser, A.G.S. -- A subject bibliography of the Second World War, and aftermath : books in English, 1975-1987. -- Aldershot, England. : Gower, 1990. -- 287 p.

  • A 1974 edition includes earlier works

  • Has a British bias

Guide d'histoire du Québec : du Régime français à nos jours : bibliographie commentée. -- Sous la direction de Jacques Rouillard. -- Montréal : Méridien, 1991. -- [368] p.

Hyam, Grace, et al. -- Manuscript Division = Division des manuscrits. -- [Rev. ed.] -- Ottawa : National Archives of Canada, 1994. -- iii, 41, 44, iii. p. -- (General guide series)

Lovering, Cynthia, comp. -- Government Archives Division = Division des Archives gouvernmentales. -- [2nd ed.]. -- [Ottawa] : National Archives of Canada, 1991. -- vii, 154, 164, vii p. -- (General guide series)

Neue Forschungen zum Zweiten Weltkrieg :Literaturberichte und Bibliographien aus 67 Ländern. -- Edited by Jürgen Rohwer and Hildegard Müller. -- Koblenz, Germany. : Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1990. -- xv, 564 p. -- (Schriften der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte : Weltkreigsbücherei Stuttgart : Neue Folge der Bibliographien der Weltkriegsbücherei, band 28)

  • This work consists of submissions from 67 countries, describing each county's national experience during the Second World War. Entries are in English, French or German

  • The Canadian entry, "Canada's Second World War", by O.A. Cooke et al., is in English only. It is listed under "Kanada" in the table of contents. The entry has a particularly useful introduction

New York Public Library. Research Libraries. -- Subject catalog of the World War II collection. -- Boston : G.K. Hall, 1977. -- 3 vol.

  • Three large volumes of reproductions of the library cards of New York Public Library's subject catalogue. There is good international coverage, but the volumes are now as dated as the system of cards from which they were recorded

O'Brien, Jerome W. ; Wright, Glenn T. -- Sources for the study of the Second World War = Documents sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. -- Ottawa : Supply and Services Canada, 1979. -- vii, 22, 24, vii p. -- (Public Archives of Canada Public Records Division special publications series)

  • Somewhat dated, but still a valuable research aid

O'Dea, Agnes C., comp. -- Bibliography of Newfoundland. -- Edited by Anne Alexander. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1986. -- 2 vol.

Peel, Bruce Braden, comp. -- A bibliography of the Prairie provinces to 1953. -- 2nd ed. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1973. -- 780 p.

  • Supplementary bibliography compiled by the staff of the Edmonton Public Library, Western Canadiana Collection, 1986

Smith, Myron J. -- World War II at sea : a bibliography of sources in English. -- Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1976-90. -- 4 vol.

  • This work has an American emphasis and includes material from other countries, as selected by the author

  • Volumes cover the European theatre, the Pacific theatre, general works and special studies. The fourth volume updates the first three, with material from 1974 to 1989

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