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Canadian Military History: An Overview
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First World War

Women and the War

For the first time, women took part in Canada's war effort in large numbers, not only through direct participation in the armed forces and auxiliary services, but also in business, industry and agriculture while large numbers of Canadian men served overseas. An enhanced economic role led to demands for more political power for women. The work of Canadian nursing sisters, both in Canada and overseas, continues to be examined in recent works.

Allard, Geneviève. -- "Des anges blancs sur le front : l'expérience de guerre des infirmières militaires canadiennes pendant la Première Guerre mondiale". -- Bulletin d'histoire politique. -- Vol. 8, no. 2-3 (hiver/printemps 2000). -- P. 119-133

Bongard, Ella Mae. -- Nobody ever wins a war : the World War I diaries of Ella Mae Bongard, R.N. -- Edited by Eric Scott. -- Ottawa : Janeric Enterprises, 1997. -- 70 p.

  • Canadian nurse in U.S. Army Nursing Corps in France, 1917-1919.

Bruce, Constance. -- Humour in tragedy : hospital life behind 3 fronts, by a Canadian nursing sister. -- London : Skeffington, [s.d.]. -- 55 p.

Clint, M.B. -- Our bit : memories of war service by a Canadian nursing sister. -- Montreal : Barwick, 1934. -- 177 p.

Gass, Clare. -- The war diary of Clare Gass. -- Edited and introduced by Susan Mann. -- Montreal : McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 2000. -- 306 p.

  • Diary of a Canadian nursing sister in hospitals in France and Britain.

Kealey, Linda. -- "Women and labour during World War I : women workers and the minimum wage in Manitoba". -- First days, fighting days : women in Manitoba history. -- Edited by Mary Kinnear. -- Regina : Canadian Plains Research Center, Univ. of Regina, 1987. -- P. 76-99

Moore, Mary MacLeod. -- "Canadian women war workers overseas". -- The Canadian magazine. -- Vol. 52, no. 3 (January 1919). -- P. 737-751

Newell, M. Leslie. -- "Led by the spirit of humanity" : Canadian military nursing, 1914-1929 [microform]. -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1997. -- 3 microfiches. -- (Canadian theses on microfiche). -- M.Sc.N. thesis, Univ. of Ottawa, 1996. -- 185 l.

Nicholson, G.W.L. -- Canada's nursing sisters. -- Toronto : S. Stevens, Hakkert, 1975. -- 272 p.

Quiney, Linda J. -- "'Sharing the halo' : social and professional tensions in the work of World War I Canadian volunteer nurses". -- Journal of the Canadian Historical Association = Revue de la Société historique du Canada. -- New series/nouvelle série. -- Vol. 9 (1998). -- P. 105-124

Ramkhalawansingh, Ceta. -- "Women during the Great War". -- Women at work : Ontario, 1850-1930. -- Edited by Janice Acton et al. -- Toronto : Canadian Women's Educational Press, 1974. -- P. 261-307

Reyburn, Karen Ann. -- Blurring the boundaries : images of women in Canadian propaganda of World War I [microform]. -- Ottawa : National Library of Canada, [1998]. -- 3 microfiches. -- (Canadian theses on microfiche). -- M.A. thesis, Univ. of Guelph, 1998. -- 188 l.

Wilson-Simmie, Katherine M. -- Lights out : a Canadian nursing sister's tale. -- Belleville, Ont. : Mika Pub., 1981. -- 168 p.

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