The authors have included the English edition of works if they are available in both French and English. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are known to be available in French. Most titles included in this guide are held by Library and Archives Canada, and many are available for interlibrary loan, both within Canada and abroad.
The Military Campaigns
The military campaigns in Upper and Lower Canada, like the rebellions themselves, have almost always been treated separately. The books by Mary Beacock Fryer and Elinor Kyte Senior are both excellent. Each contains clear and concise maps, lists of units engaged (both British regulars and militia), names of officers and so on. For the border raids and skirmishes in Upper Canada in 1838, Donald Graves' Guns Across the River: the Battle of the Windmill (2001), under The Rebellions in Upper Canada, 1837-1839 in the General Reference section, includes excellent summaries of these engagements.
Upper Canada
Douglas, R. Alan. -- "The battle of Windsor". -- Ontario history. -- Vol. LXI, no. 3 (Sept. 1969). -- P. 137-152
Fryer, Mary Beacock. -- Volunteers & redcoats, rebels & riders : a military history of the rebellions in Upper Canada. -- Toronto : Dundurn Press, in collaboration with the Canadian War Museum, 1987. -- 155 p.
Lee, David. -- "The battle of the Windmill, November 1838". -- History and archaeology, no. 8. -- Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1976
Lower Canada
Bell, George, Sir. -- Soldier's glory. -- London : G. Bell, 1956. -- 325 p.
Henry, Walter. -- Trifles from my port-folio, or, Recollections of scenes and small adventures during twenty-nine years' military service. -- Quebec : W. Neilson, 1839. -- 2 vol. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 35696
Legault, Roch. -- "Ramener et maintenir la paix : l'intervention des forces armées britanniques au bas-Canada de 1837 à 1841". -- In Maintien de la paix de 1815 à aujourd'hui; actes de XXIe colloque de la Commission internationale d'histoire militaire = Peacekeeping 1815 to today; proceedings of the XXIst colloquium of the International Commission of Military History. -- [Ottawa] : National Defence, [1995]. -- P. 42-51. -- (Actes = Proceedings, no. 21)
Mann, Michael. -- A particular duty : the Canadian rebellions, 1837-1839. -- Salisbury : M. Russell, 1986. -- 211 p.
Richardson, John. -- Eight years in Canada. -- Montreal : H. H. Cunningham, 1847. -- 232 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 22079
Senior, Elinor Kyte. -- The battle of St. Denis. -- Toronto : Balmuir Book Publishing, 1990. -- 44 p. -- (Canadian battle series, no. 7)
_____. -- "The Provisional Cavalry in Lower Canada". -- Canadian historical review. -- Vol. 52, no. 1 (March 1976). -- P. 1-24
*_____. -- Redcoats and patriotes : the rebellions in Lower Canada, 1837-38. -- Stittsville, Ont. : Canada's Wings in collaboration with the Canadian War Museum, 1985. -- 218 p. -- Also published in French under the title: Les habits rouges et les patriotes
_____. -- "The role of the Glengarry Highlanders in the suppression of the rebellions in Lower Canada, 1837-38". -- Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. -- Vol. 56, no. 227 (Autumn 1978). -- P. 143-159