Family History and Genealogy
Bernard, Jean-Paul. -- "2100 noms de patriotes avec leur profession et leur âge". -- Les rébellions de 1837-1838 : les patriotes du Bas-Canada dans la mémoire collective et chez les historiens. -- Montréal : Boréal, 1983. -- P. 285-325
Borthwick, J.D. -- Rébellion de 37-38 : précis complet de cette période : rôle d'honneur ou liste complète des patriotes détenus dans les prisons de Montréal en 1837, 1838, 1839, date et lieux des arrestations et autres détails intéressants et inédits sur ce sujet. -- Montréal : Impr. du Cultivateur, 1898. -- 94 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 00190
Canada's gallant volunteers of 1837-38 : roll call, winter of 1890-91 : list prepared through the patriotic efforts of George Merrill of Belleville. -- Kingston : British Whig, [1891?]. -- 30 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 10001
- Reproduced with an introduction by Dawn Broughton as "Canada's Gallant Volunteers of 1837-38 : Roll Call, Winter of 1890-91" in Families, Vol. 27, no. 1 (February 1987), P. 26-41.
The Plympton Militia pay lists, 1838. -- Sarnia, Ont. : Ontario Genealogical Society, Lambton County Branch, 1992. -- 16 p.
Rebels arrested in Upper Canada, 1837-1838. -- Toronto : Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch, [1987?]. -- 40 p.
The Sarnia Militia pay lists, 1838. -- Sarnia, Ont. : Ontario Genealogical Society, Lambton County Branch, 1992. -- 17 p.
Wanless, Helen A. (comp). -- Simcoe County Militia : rebellion of 1837 muster rolls and pay lists [online]. -- Alliston, Ont. : New Tecumseth Public Library, 1990. -- [Cited July 8, 2003]. -- Access: www.newtecumseth.library.on.ca/history/
The Warwick Volunteers pay list, 1838. -- Sarnia, Ont. : Ontario Genealogical Society, Lambton County Branch, [1989?]. -- 8 p.
West Kent Militia, 2nd Kent Militia, St. Clair Volunteers, pay list, 1838. -- Sarnia, Ont. : Ontario Genealogical Society, Lambton County Branch, 1990. -- 19 p.
Wright, Glenn. -- "Nineteenth century military records in the National Archives : an introduction". -- Families. -- Vol. 33, no. 4 (November 1994). -- P. 213-221
Family history researchers should also refer to Colin Read's book, The Rising in Western Upper Canada, 1837-8 : The Duncombe Revolt and After (cited under The Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838, in the General References section) for lists of individuals connected with the Upper Canadian revolt led by Dr. Charles Duncombe. In a series of appendices, Read includes biographical notes on rebels and those who assisted them, suspected traitors, loyalists and others connected with "Duncombe's revolt". Similarly, Donald Graves' book, Guns Across the River: the Battle of the Windmill (2001), in that same section, includes the militia pay lists for November 1838 (appendix C, p. 216-226) and a list of the patriot hunters who fought at Prescott (appendix D, especially p. 230-239). As well, Jack Cahill's book, Forgotten Patriots: Canadian Rebels on Australia's Convict Shores (1998), found in under The Prisoners and Exiles in the Personal Stories section, includes a partial list of those transported to Australia. Similarly, Colin Duquemin's Niagara Rebels: the Niagara Frontier in the Upper Canada Rebellion, 1837-1839 (2001), under The Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838, in the General References section, includes an appendix with personal information and biographical details on the insurgents involved in the battle of Short Hills in June 1838.
For researchers interested in events in Lower Canada, the website "Les patriotes de 1837@1838", cited in the Web Research section, includes a searchable database of "Patriotes", with biographical sketches.