September/October 2003 Change of CIP Agent for Western CanadaLiz McKeen, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services August 2003 saw a change in the Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) agent for publishers located in western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia). The CIP agent had been for many years the University of British Columbia Library. In August, Library and Archives Canada assumed the role of CIP agent for publishers in these provinces. Library and Archives Canada extends its warmest thanks and appreciation to the staff and management of the University of British Columbia Library for their enormous contribution to the national CIP program over the last 26 years. The credibility and esteem in which the CIP program is held throughout the library and book trade communities in Canada attest to the high quality of the service provided by the University of British Columbia Library during this time. Norman Amor and Danielle Bugeaud have been the human faces behind the CIP Program at UBC for many years and are to be commended for their dedication and good humour in carrying out this vital role. Previously, this task had been ably carried out by Freda Bailey, Jim Sharpe, Terry Horner, Anne Rowley and others. For further information, contact: CIP Coordinator |