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Canada's First Cooks

Cover of cookbook, OLD TIME RECIPES OF MANITOBA INDIANS, featuring a black-and-white drawing of an Aboriginal woman cooking over a campfire Source


Page [5] of cookbook, OLD TIME RECIPES OF MANITOBA INDIANS, with recipes for Roast Quail, Southwest Pepper Bread, Barbecued Deer and Pemmican Source


Page [6] of cookbook, OLD TIME RECIPES OF MANITOBA INDIANS, with recipes for Bannock, Boiled Partridge and Hard Time Pudding Source

Old Time Recipes of Manitoba Indians. [Winnipeg: Indian and Metis Friendship Centre, 196-?]

Collected by the Indian Ladies' Club of the Indian and Métis Friendship Centre.

Title page of cookbook, REMARKABLE RECIPES FOR SWEET-GRASS BUFFALO, featuring an illustration of a man sitting in an armchair, reading a newspaper with the cookbook title as a headline Source


Title page of cookbook, RECETTES POUR LE GOURMET : BISON DU NORD-OUEST CANADIEN, featuring an illustration of a man sitting in an armchair, reading a newspaper with the cookbook title as a headline Source

Remarkable Recipes for Sweet-Grass Buffalo. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1961

The unusual eating experience that is protein-rich buffalo meat can still be enjoyed today thanks to a successful conservation program.

Title page of cookbook, RECETTES TYPIQUES DES INDIENS Source


Page 133 of cookbook, RECETTES TYPIQUES DES INDIENS, wih a recipe for Gaskide Wiiass (dried meat) Source


Page [131] of cookbook, RECETTES TYPIQUES DES INDIENS, featuring an illustration of the set-up for drying meat Source

Bernard Assiniwi. Recettes typiques des Indiens. [Montréal]: Leméac, 1972

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