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Halifax Explosion -- December 6, 1917


Photograph of soldiers digging through ruins for victims of the explosion, Halifax, 1917


Soldiers engaged in rescue work after the explosion, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of a huge pile of debris from the explosion, Halifax, 1917


Aftermath of the explosion, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of Gottingen Street showing people walking passed the damaged buildings, Halifax, 1917


Damaged buildings on Gottingen Street and Fort Needham in the distance, Halifax, 1917

Photograph showing the extensive damage to the north end of Halifax


Damage in the north end of Halifax, 1917

Photograph of a man walking along Gottingen Street, with the ruins of buildings behind him, Halifax, 1917


Damage to houses on Gottingen Street, north of St. Joseph's Church, Halifax, 1917

Photograph showing a waterfront view of the damage from the Halifax explosion, 1917


Waterfront view of the damage, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of Halifax, looking west, after the explosion; some buildings are not burned


General view of Halifax looking west, 1917

Photograph, taken from Pier 8 in Halifax, showing the debris left from the explosion


View of the disaster area from Pier 8, Halifax, 1917

Photograph showing the burnt-out remains of the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition, Halifax, 1917


Remains of the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of a section of Halifax, showing damaged homes, 1917


Damage caused by the explosion, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of the view from the Willis Foundry after the explosion,  showing a large pile of rubble, Halifax, 1917


View from Willis Foundry looking toward Pier 8, Halifax, 1917

Photograph of debris from the explosion, including parts of houses and furniture, Halifax, 1917


Explosion damage, Halifax, 1917

Photograph showing a street in ruins, Halifax, 1917


Damage at the extreme north end of Campbell Road, Halifax, 1917


Below: 14-page handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards. The author assisted in rescue work and burials after the disaster.


Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages
Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages
Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages Handwritten account, circa 1917, of the Halifax explosion by an anonymous Irish-American volunteer for the Irish Guards; 14 pages
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