Partner Institutions
This site is the result of the collaborative efforts of five institutions that
have come together to make the scattered William Logan resources accessible in
one central online location. For those interested in conducting research on Logan
and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), the links below provide access to the materials digitized by each institution for this project, as well as a more complete overview of other relevant holdings.
Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada holds the vast Department of Natural Resources
Canada fonds, including the Geological Survey of Canada sous-fonds. On this site
you can read Logan's field notebooks for the years 1840-46, his annual reports
for the Legislative Assembly and his Geology of Canada, publications, all
of which are available in Library and Archives Canada's collection.
The McGill University Archives holds significant collections related to three
of Canada's pre-eminent GSC
directors, Sir William E. Logan, George Mercer Dawson and Robert Bell. On this
site you can read two of Logan's field journals from the 1840s. The McGill University
Archives also holds more than 2,000 pieces of Logan correspondence and other personal
The National Library of Wales' Digital Mirror website presents a wealth
of digitized collections from Wales for a worldwide audience. On this site you
can read two of Logan's field journals for 1843-4. In these compelling observations
Logan describes his geological work in and around the Gaspé Peninsula of
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
retains William E. Logan's personal library, as well as Logan's and other surveyors'
mineral and fossil specimens, tools, photographs and published reports and maps.
On this site, you can read the Geological Survey Annual Reports and the Geology
of Canada publications, also available in NRCan's Earth Sciences Information
Centre (ESIC). You
can also link to Natural Resources Canada's extensive online map collection and
educational resources.
The William Logan papers at the Toronto Public Library include the following
online resources: two journals of his travels in Canada and the United States
(1840-41 and 1846), a scrapbook of Logan's newspaper clippings, and a series of
40 photographs by Benjamin Baltzly. The library also holds journals of his travels
in Europe (1829 and 1834) as well as a collection of Logan's personal manuscript