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Canadian Collections and Resources

Atwood, Margaret. "Come Back, Madame Benoit." O.W. Toad. www.web.net/owtoad/mmebenoi.html (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • Margaret Atwood's article about Jehane Benoit first appeared in the Globe and Mail in November 1995.

Cookery Book Collection. McGill University Library: Rare Books and Special Collections Division, 2001. http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/cookbooks/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • McGill University's collection of cookbooks includes rare eighteenth-century titles, as well as North American and European cookbooks from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The Culinary Collection. University of Guelph Library. www.lib.uoguelph.ca/resources/archives/culinary/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • The University of Guelph houses almost 5,000 cookbooks dating back to the seventeenth century, including the collections of some of Canada's most famous cooks.

Desjardins, Marie. « Jehane Benoit, le célèbre cordon-bleu », Madame, 2005. www.madame.ca/madame/client/fr/cettesemaine/DetailNouvelle.asp?idNews=2347&bSearch=True (accessed May 24, 2005).

  • Read about the life and education of Madame Jehane Benoit. Available in French only.

Early Canadiana Online. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions. www.canadiana.org/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • Search the subject "cookery" at Early Canadiana Online to find a number of digitized early Canadian cookbooks, including The Dominion Home Cookbook (1868) and Reverend Mère Caron's famous book of instructions for the home (1878).

"The Order of Good Cheer." Ideas. CBC Radio One. www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/cheer/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • Along with a brief history of the Order of Good Cheer, read a menu and recipes for an Order of Good Cheer celebration as it might have been prepared in 1606-07.

Parks Canada. "The Order of Good Cheer." Port-Royal national Historic Site of Canada. www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/ns/portroyal/natcul/tour-visit5_e.asp (accessed June 1, 2005).

  • Read a description of the Order of Good Cheer by Marc Lescarbot, one of the original Port-Royal settlers, and discover more about the participants and the foods they ate.

Watier, Nicole. "Canadian Cookbooks (1825-1949): In the Heart of the Home." Bulletin. Vol. 34, no. 3 (May/June 2002). Library and Archives Canada. www.collectionscanada.ca/bulletin/015017-0302-02-e.html (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This Bulletin article from Library and Archives Canada describes a lecture given by Elizabeth Driver, who has written a bibliography of cookbooks published in Canada from 1825 to 1949.

International Collections and Resources

Cuisine, Wikipédia, L'encyclopédie libre. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuisine (accessed June 3, 2005).

  • This resource describes international culinary arts, techniques and histories. Available in French only.

Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project. Michigan State University Library and Michigan State University Museum, 2005. http://digital.lib.msu.edu/projects/cookbooks/index.html (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • Feeding America, by Michigan State University, is an exhibition of digitally reproduced early American cookbooks, including The Cook Not Mad, often claimed as Canada's first cookbook.

Fons Grewe. University of Barcelona. www.bib.ub.es/grewe/grewe.htm (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This Spanish site, by the University of Barcelona, features a collection of European culinary texts from the 16th to the 19th century. Available in Spanish only.

"Histoire de la cuisine." Le site du Maître queux - Échanger pour mieux enseigner, 2003. http://maitrequeux.free.fr/histoirecuisine/histoire.htm (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This history of food and eating, from pre-history to modern times, emphasizes the culinary history of France and includes short biographies of the world's most famous chefs and cooking-related personalities. Available in French only.

Household Words: Women Write From and For the Kitchen. University of Pennsylvania Library. www.library.upenn.edu/exhibits/rbm/aresty/aresty1.html (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This virtual exhibition by the University of Pennsylvania focuses on women's writing through cookery and household books, including personal collections of recipes and domestic hints.

Not by Bread Alone: America's Culinary Heritage. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, 2002. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/food/default.htm (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • Not by Bread Alone is a Cornell University site that provides an introduction to the development of cooking in the United States, covering such subjects as temperance, nutrition and food processing.

Rare Books: The Cookery Exhibit. Kansas State University Libraries. www.lib.ksu.edu/depts/spec/rarebooks/cookery/index.html (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This virtual exhibition by Kansas State University features a number of early cookbooks from Holland, France, England and the United States.

General Resources

Cooking Terms From A to Z. The Reluctant Gourmet. www.reluctantgourmet.com/atoz.htm (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This site offers a glossary of contemporary cooking terms and other tips.

General Food Articles. Pagewise. www.essortment.com/in/Food.General/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This site provides answers to many questions about food, as well as offering general information, history, definitions, recipes and links to other food-related sites.

Olver, Lynne. The Food Timeline. www.foodtimeline.org/ (accessed March 9, 2005).

  • This timeline identifies the historical introduction of various foods, from chickpeas in 550 B.C. to Yukon gold potatoes in 1981, describing their use and providing recipes.

Saveurs du monde, Relais & Châteaux. www.saveurs.sympatico.ca (accessed June 3, 2005).

  • This site offers a range of resources, including glossaries of culinary terms, lists of recipes, information on international culinary traditions and more. Available in French only.
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