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Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Remittance methods

There are several methods to choose from when remitting your payroll deductions:

If you are a threshold 2 remitter, you must remit payroll deductions electronically or in person at your Canadian financial institution (FI).

If you have no payroll deductions to make for the current period, see No remittance.

If you remit deductions for more than one account, make sure you provide your payroll deductions account numbers and give a breakdown of the amounts intended for each account. This enables us to credit the proper amounts to the correct accounts.

Please allow 10 days for your remittance to process.


You may be able to remit your deductions electronically through your financial institution’s telephone or Internet banking services. Ensure you allow enough time for the financial institution to process the transaction. For more information, see electronic payments or contact your financial institution.

Clients who are registered to the E-PD7A can make their remittance immediately online or post-date an online payment via their E-PD7A. See How do you pay your remittances if you receive an E-PD7A?.

At your financial institution

You can make your remittance at your Canadian financial institution. Complete the remittance form and present it with your payment. The financial institution will date stamp the bottom part and return the top part to you as a receipt.

Using the ATM (automated teller machine)

If you use an ATM to send us a remittance, allow time for the financial institution to process the transaction. The institution will debit your account when you use the ATM. However, you should allow time for us to receive the remittance.

An ATM receipt is not proof of payment by the due date.

By mail

You can mail a cheque or money order payable to the Receiver General to the address listed in your package or on the back of your remittance form. Print your Business Number (BN) on the back.

Complete and include the bottom part of your remittance form with your payment. Allow sufficient mailing time to ensure that we receive your payment by the due date. Cheques that are post-dated to the due date are acceptable.

Do not send cash in the mail.

Payment arrangement

Payroll deductions should be held in trust for the Receiver General in a separate account than your operating business account, but if for any reason you cannot pay your balance owing, call 1-800-959-5525 for information on payment arrangements.

We will still charge a penalty and daily compound interest on any outstanding balance.

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