About By Executive Decree
All archival, photographic and published material featured in the By Executive Decree Web exhibition is held by Library and Archives Canada, and is represented in its original language. Many early legislative instruments, including orders-in-council, were drafted and enacted only in English. Because these executive decisions continue to inform contemporary legislation, efforts have been underway since 2002 to re-enact all legislative instruments in both official languages.
The By Executive Decree Web exhibition was produced by the Web Content and Services Division, Library and Archives Canada, and was made possible thanks to the expertise, commitment and enthusiasm of numerous contributors throughout Library and Archives Canada. The advice and industry of the following were integral to this project:
Christine Barrass | Archivist |
Ian McDonald | Government and Law Specialist |
David Knox | Digital Photographer |
Public History Inc. | Data Management Services Provider |
We gratefully acknowledge the participation of the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin and the Office of the Prime Minister, as well as the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage, whose financial assistance through Canadian Culture Online (CCO) made this work possible.
The orders-in-council database was developed in partnership with Justice Canada and with the guidance of Intellectual Archival Management Services, Library and Archives Canada.
For sources consulted in the creation of By Executive Decree, please see Further Research.
About By Executive Decree | Further Research | Comments | Copyright/Sources
Orders-in-Council Database