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March 30, 2007

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister
House of Commons
Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister,

As Co-Chairs of your Advisory Committee on the Public Service, we respectfully submit the Committee’s First Annual Report.

The members of the Committee recognize that the Public Service is vital to the success of Canada and is key to the competitiveness of our country in the global economy. In developing our first report, we have had the benefit of hearing from a number of experts on the challenges facing the Public Service and, drawing from our diverse backgrounds and experience, we have set out initial observations in a number of areas, as well as specific comments on the pressing issue of recruitment.

We appreciate the interest you have shown in the Committee’s work and look forward to meeting again with you at our next meeting in June.


Don Mazankowski
Paul M. Tellier
The Right Honourable Don Mazankowski
The Honourable Paul M. Tellier

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