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Government of Canada, Privy Council Office Canada
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March 30, 2007

Dear Prime Minister:

In my role as Head of the Public Service, I have the honour to submit to you the Fourteenth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, in accordance with the provisions of section 127 of the Public Service Employment Act.

This document goes further than reporting on our challenges and achievements during the past year. It also sets out the future direction of the federal Public Service and the important path of renewal we are actively pursuing.

The first report of the Advisory Committee on the Public Service, which you appointed on November 21, 2006, is included as an annex to this Report.  In fulfilling its mandate, the Committee is supplementing our own efforts toward renewal.

The world is changing and the needs and aspirations of Canadians are evolving.  As such, the nature of our work as public servants is adapting in the face of these challenges.  In addition, demographic shifts add urgency to our ongoing efforts to recruit the next generation of public servants within an ever more competitive labour market.  What is constant is our commitment to serve the Government in implementing its priorities on behalf of Canadians with the highest degree of professionalism, non-partisanship and ethical standards.

Your recognition of the importance of this national institution, which adds so much to our quality of life and serves as a vital pillar of Canadian democracy, is very clear.  I greatly appreciate your support of renewal efforts to ensure it is strong and vibrant in the future. This mirrors a deep commitment within the Public Service to remain a strong, diverse and dynamic institution, serving Canadians with pride, excellence and integrity.

                                      Sincerely yours,

                                       Kevin G. Lynch
                                    Kevin G. Lynch

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