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British Columbia
 Genealogical Society


The BCGS Education Committee Needs YOU!, see our Genealogy News Page (Newspage.htm) for details


  Members of the B.C.G.S. have been actively researching and preserving their own and British Columbia, Canada’s genealogical heritage since 1971.  Members’ genealogical interests are worldwide and the Society’s activities and Library collections reflect this. The B.C.G.S. has a special interest in British Columbia and offers B.C. research services. See the menu for links to more information on all society activities.

B.C.G.S. meetings and seminars feature special speakers, beginners & intermediate genealogy classes & special interest group sessions throughout the year.

The B.C.G.S. is a member of the international Federation of Family History Societies and the British Columbia Historical Federation. The B.C.G.S. is incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia and has charitable status with Revenue Canada.
More BCGS History


The Society is committed to the following aims:

»The collection, publication, and preservation of those materials relevant to the promotion of ethical principles, scientific methods, and effective techniques in genealogical and historical research.


Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month through out the year, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Centre for the Retired, 7282 Kingsway (Kingsway at Edmonds), Burnaby B.C. Visitors are always welcome. Note:- Do NOT send mail to this address, the Society only rents space for the evening.


THE B.C.G.S. RESOURCE CENTRE and Walter Draycott Library

The BCGS Resource Center, located at Unit 211, 12837 - 76th Avenue, in Surrey has well over 10,000 publication titles, plus numerous census records on fiche, tape and CDROM. The facility and equipment such as fiche and tape readers, Computers (CDROM's & Internet) are available for use for free to members and $5.00 a day for non members.
To obtain driving directions, go to http://www.mytelus.com/maps/display.do   and input the above BCGS Resource Centre Address  & follow the directions.
If using public Transportation, go to the Translink website & use their trip planner http://tripplanning.translink.bc.ca/  or call 604-953-3333.
View arial map in PDF:- BCGS Resource Centre

The Resource Centre is open Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am - 3pm year round but closed for Statutory holidays if they fall on those days.
The Resource Centre is staffed by Volunteers who will help visitors search for publications at the site, but will not do any research. Please remember your membership card must be shown.

Our Resource Centre and Walter Draycott Library in Surrey (Click image to expand and  use the Windows close tab button in open page when finished viewing)

BCGS Resource Centre &
Walter Draycott Memorial Library, front view
Entrance Reception Desk,
 lower floor
Inside view of Library from Reception
 Desk area, lower floor
Right side view of Library from Reception Desk area, lower floor
Middle view of Library, lower floor Board Room, upper floor area,
 also used for special Classes
 & Meetings
Our Clipping File, one of our resources,
on the upper floor
Walter Draycott Memorial Plaque


Telephone (at BCGS Resource Centre in Surrey)
(604) 502-9119
FAX (at BCGS Resource Centre in Surrey)
(604) 502-9119
Postal address (all Mail is to be sent to this address)
P.O. Box 88054, Lansdowne Mall, Richmond, BC, CANADA, V6X 3T6
Electronic mail
* General Information: bcgs@bcgs.ca
* Web Designer, Bob Daniel: Webmaster@bcgs.ca
* The BCGS Quarterly Publication: "The British Columbia Genealogist" , Editor  M. Diane Rogers: editor@bcgs.ca  [Direct all article submissions, suggestions and paid Genealogy related advertisements to this address].
* QueryRequests: queryrequest@bcgs.ca [Direct all requests for research, lookups etc to this address, also, please check our BC Research Information Page to view what we offer]

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Send mail to Webmaster@bcgs.ca  with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1996 British Columbia Genealogical Society

Last modified: October 05, 2007

Hit Counter Visits since July 6, 2007