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Vol. 139, No. 26 — December 28, 2005

SOR/2005-413 December 6, 2005


Regulations Repealing Certain Regulations Made under the Public Service Employment Act

P.C. 2005-2285 December 6, 2005

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Public Service Commission, pursuant to section 21 of the Public Service Employment Act (see footnote a), hereby makes the annexed Regulations Repealing Certain Regulations Made under the Public Service Employment Act.



1. The following Regulations are repealed:

(a) the Federal Labour Intensive Projects Employment Regulations (see footnote 1);

(b) the Department of Veterans Affairs Official Languages Appointment Regulations (see footnote 2);

(c) the Department of External Affairs and the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission Appointment to Rotational Positions Regulations (see footnote 3);

(d) the Management Trainee Program Regulations (see footnote 4);

(e) the Regulations on the Career Assignment Program (see footnote 5); and

(f) the Pre-qualified Pool Recourse Regulations (see footnote 6).


2. These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 12 of the Public Service Modernization Act, being chapter 22 of the Statutes of Canada, 2003, comes into force.


(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)


With the coming into force of the new Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) in December 2005, there are six Regulations that will become redundant or no longer necessary in order to achieve the purpose for which they were enacted. Since the new PSEA provides additional flexibilities for making appointments and managing human resources in the Public Service that are not available under the current Act, these Regulations will no longer be needed for portions of the federal public administration governed by the PSEA to meet their needs. Instead, portions of the federal public administration governed by the PSEA will be able to use flexibilities such as their newly delegated authority to run external processes, the removal of the requirement to rank candidates and the ability to set merit criteria which reflects any current or future asset qualifications, organizational needs or operational requirements, in order to achieve these goals. The six Regulations being repealed are:

(a) the Federal Labour Intensive Projects Employment Regulations;

(b) the Department of Veterans Affairs Official Languages Appointment Regulations;

(c) the Department of External Affairs and the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission Appointment to Rotational Positions Regulations;

(d) the Management Trainee Program Regulations;

(e) the Regulations on the Career Assignment Program; and

(f) the Pre-qualified Pool Recourse Regulations.


No other alternatives to repealing these Regulations are practicable since the Regulations will not be needed under the new Act.

Benefits and Costs

No additional costs are expected as a result of the repeal of these Regulations.


The Public Service Commission consulted representatives of the Public Service Commission Advisory Council. Representatives of portions of the federal public administration governed by the PSEA and those of the bargaining agents had no objections to the repeal of these Regulations.

Compliance and Enforcement

There are no compliance or enforcement issues related to the repeal of these Regulations.


Helen Barkley
Policy Specialist
Public Service Commission
300 Laurier Avenue West
17th floor, West Tower
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M7
Telephone: (613) 996-9653
FAX: (613) 943-2481
E-mail: Helen.Barkley@psc-cfp.gc.ca

Footnote a

S.C. 2003, c. 22, s. 12 and 13

Footnote 1

C.R.C., c. 1344

Footnote 2


Footnote 3


Footnote 4


Footnote 5


Footnote 6



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