The New Brunswick Genealogical Society website has a new address. We can now be found at http://www.nbgs.ca - please update your links and bookmarks accordingly.
The New Brunswick Genealogical Society Inc. (NBGS, Inc.) is a non-profit organization founded in 1978 to encourage and facilitate family historical research in New Brunswick, Canada.
This site includes a copy of the Society's Constitution and By-Laws.
The NBGS, Inc. is composed of representatives from each of its branches. While members have the option to join the NBGS, Inc. directly, they are strongly encouraged to join any of its seven branches. Fees may differ among the branches. A listing of individual branch contacts, addresses and fees may be found by selecting Branches from the menu on the left. A printable membership form is also available online. French and English versions of the form may be accessed by selecting Membership from the menu on the left, and then choosing the appropriate language.
All members receive the Society's journal, Generations, which is published quarterly. Generations is 68 pages long and contains book reviews, books for sale, passenger lists, rare documents, notices of genealogical seminars, cemeteries, census and other genealogy related material associated with New Brunswick. There is also a Queries section. The magazine is distributed to over one thousand members across North America and overseas.
The collection of the NBGS, Inc. consists of exchanged newsletters, donations of papers from members and organizations and various publications.
Treasurer Required!
NBGS Inc. is looking for someone who would like to be Treasurer. Some accounting knowledge is required. The position requires keeping track of all money coming in and funds going out, including the Development Fund, HST and investments. The current treasurer will assist and train during the transition period.
For more information please contact Suzanne Blaquière (506) 684-3121; or 251 Tremblay St, Dalhousie, NB, E8C 2P2; or irene@nb.sympatico.ca
Upcoming Events
The Remsheg Loyalists - 225th Anniversary
The Remsheg Loyalists - 225th Anniversary organization was initiated December 9, 2006, for the purpose of organizing a reunion for June 28 through June 30, 2008, of descendants of approximately ninety-five United Empire Loyalist families who arrived in Canada in the mid 1780s and settled on the Remsheg Grant (Wallace, Nova Scotia).
Descendants of many of these families live in Nova Scotia and other parts of the Maritimes and other descendants can be found throughout North America and around the world. The names, taken from the 1784 survey of the Remsheg Grant, are familiar even though their spellings may have changed through the years: Akerley, Angevine, Austin, Baker, Barker, Baxter, Beardsley, Bishop, Brisband, Brown, Brundidge, Budd, Bugly, Canfield, Chamberlain, Chatterton, Coon, Cornell, Covert, Cravey, Derry, Dickerson, Dotten, Earles, Embree, Fall, Ferris, Fisher, Forshner, Fountaine, Fowler, Ganong, Gleason, Grant, Griffin, Hatfield, Haviland, Head, Hewson, Hickey, Holbert, Holiday, Horton, Hotten, Huested, Hunter, Jenkins, Jennings, Jervis, King, Kipp, Knapp, Largaree, Leed, Lloyd, Low, Maby, McFee, Merritt, Miller, Mills, Myers, Niles, O'Brien, Ogden, Outhouse, Pierce, Pugsley, Purdy, Roblee, Rundle, Rustin, Scofield, Seaman, Smith, Snow, Stevens, Sutten, Symons, Tidd, Totten, Treen, Trenchard, Tuttle, Vinson, Watts, Waugh, Weathered, Webb, Weeks, Williams, Winn, Wood, Worden, and Wyatt.
The web site is http://remsheg225.wetpaint.com/. The organizers can be reached at remsheg225@yahoo.ca.
Items of Interest
The New Brunswick Genealogical Society is pleased to offer its First Families genealogical compilations in digital format. The files are accessible by visiting the First Families page. Please note that the files are in PDF format: either Adobe Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader is required in order to view them.
Nova Scotia Vital Statistics On-line
The Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management has created a searchable, online database of Nova Scotia vital statistics. It contains: Births, 1864-1877; Marriages 1864-1930; and Deaths, 1864-1877 and 1908-1955. Digitized versions of the original records/microfilm can be viewed online using the Viewpoint Reader, which users must download and install to their computers/web browsers. Copies of the records can also be purchased in either electronic or hard-copy versions. The new database is available at: http://www.novascotiagenealogy.com
Census of 1851
The Census of 1851 for Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia has been digitized and made available online by the National Archives and Library of Canada. Please note that parts of this census did not survive and, therefore, no digital images exist. The digital images are in PDF format and require either Adobe Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader in order to view them. The extant images of the 1851 Census may be accessed at: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet/1851/index-e.html
Lindsay Patten's Automated Genealogy website, familiar to so many through its 1901 and 1911 census transcription projects, includes a section for the transcription of the 1851 census. Volunteers have worked their way through half of the New Brunswick section of the 1851 census, with Albert, Saint John, Sunbury and Westmorland counties already completed.
1911 Canadian census Transcription Project
Thanks to the many volunteers, the 1911 census transcription at Automated Genealogy is now complete!
The 1911 Canadian Census transcription page may be accessed at http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/census11/
Please note that Lindsay's website, www.automatedgenealogy.com, has a number of other ongoing projects that may be of interest.
New Publication
Are you aware of the new publication "Internet Genealogy?" It is a Canadian magazine that, although it has only published two issues to-date, will be published six times a year. As a bonus thank-you for early support they are going to release a downloadable internet version on June 15th. Have a look at http://www.internet-genealogy.com
Acadian Genealogy Project:
Southeastern Branch - NBGS member Brenda Curwin is working on researching Acadian names for the Congrés Mondial Acadienne 2009 that will be held on New Brunswick's Acadian Peninsula in the summer of 2009. Her main Acadian surnames are: Arsenault, Dorion and Savoie. She will also be doing some genealogy on the following names as they have married into my main names: Aucoin; Babineau; Belliveau; Bernard; Blanchard; Boudreau; Bourgeois; Bourque; Breau; Brideau; Brun; Bujold; Caissie; Chabret; Charland; Chaudon; Coillet; Cormier; Creste; Cyr; Despres; Doucet; Duclos; Dugas; Forest; Gaudet; Gauthier; Gautreau; Girouard; Goguen; Gosselin; Granger; Guyon; Hebert; Juneau; LaBarre: Labauve; Lambert; Landry; LeBlanc; Leger; LeGrand; LeJeune; Loyseau; Melanson; Moyse; Ozlet; Paquet; Pellerin; Pelletier: Pepin; Peraud; Poirier; Richard; Surette: Theriault; Trehan.
If you would like to share info on any of these names, or would like assistance with your own Acadian research, please contact Brenda Curwin at brendalcurwin@gmail.com
Ancestors in the Attic:
Are there great mysteries in your family history you'd like to solve, family secrets you'd like to unlock? Has tracing your family changed your life?
History Television wants your help in developing a new series that will help you unravel dramatic, personal family mysteries and take you on a worldwide quest for answers. Tell us what you know about the person in your family whose story most intrigues you. It can be a grandparent, parent, uncle or aunt - anyone whose life has left you with questions and a drive to answer them. Or, if you've made an unexpected or startling discovery while researching your family we'd like to know.
In 500 words or less, tell us your story and send it to: Ancestors.Search@allianceatlantis.com
As well, do you have an artifact connected to that family mystery - an unidentified photo, a ring that belonged to the mysterious aunt you've always wanted to find, a journal from an explorer grandfather you've only heard stories about? If so, send us a digital picture and tell us how it relates to your story.
Please insure that the email address you provide is functioning properly so that we can respond to your submissions. Please also include your return address and phone number.
Please use this Printable Form (PDF Format) to mail in your suggestions.
Further information may be obtained from the website at: http://www.historytelevision.ca/microsites/ancestorssearch/default.asp
Site Updates
31 January 2007 - A new version of the Surname Interest List is now being compiled. Please refrain from sending any updates until the latest version has been uploaded.
27 February 2006 - The First Families genealogical compilations have been updated to the latest (6th edition - Jan 2006) version. As well as 1130 new Family listings, the digital files now include an index to assist you with your research.
Contact NBGS
** For Society-related issues and general inquiries **
Contact Webmaster
** For website-related issues only - NO research inquiries, please **