From the Contacts screen you may select the following services: Members of Parliament, International Toll Free Numbers, Directory Service, Canada Business service centres, Passport Offices, Canadian Company Capabilities and National Parks.
1. Members of Parliament
Select Members of Parliament to search for a Member of Parliament's contact information. This information comes from the
Parliament of Canada Web site.
This screen shows the two options available to find a Member of Parliament's contact information. Search by Postal Code or Alphabetical Listing.
Search by Postal Code
Using the keypad on your mobile device, enter the postal code to view the Member of Parliament's contact information.
This screen displays the contact information for a Member of Parliament.
Search by Alphabetical Listing
To search for a Member of Parliament alphabetically, choose the Alphabetical Listing option.
Select the first letter of the last name of the Member of Parliament you are searching for.
Select the Member of Parliament you are searching for to view their contact information.
This screen displays the contact information for a Member of Parliament.
2. International Toll-Free Numbers
Select International Toll-Free Numbers from the list of options to access a list of toll-free numbers accessible from locations outside Canada and the United States for information on the Government of Canada. Service is provided in English and French, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Scroll to view the complete listing of geographic regions and to access the toll-free numbers.
This screen displays the telephone listings for each country alphabetically.
3. Directory Service - Government Electronic Directory (GEDS)
Access the Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS) database from this service.
From this screen, spell the last name and first name separated by a comma to obtain the Government of Canada employee contact information.
This screen displays the results of the search you performed for a GEDS listing. You may dial directly from this screen. To do this, select Call or press OK.
4. Canada Business Service Centres
Select Canada Business Service Centres to access the toll-free numbers, locations and e-mail addresses for the Canada Business Service Centres. This information is provided by Industry Canada.
This screen displays the alphabetical listing of provinces and territories.
This screen displays the information of the selected office.
5. Passport Offices: Telephone Numbers or Passport Office Locations
Select Passport Offices to access Passport Office addresses and telephone numbers. This information comes from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada's Passport Office Web site.
Passport Telephone Numbers
Find Passport telephone numbers from this service.
From this screen, you may select Passport telephone numbers or Passport Office locations.
From this screen, you may select the country.
This screen displays the listing for the telephone numbers of the Passport Offices in Canada.
Passport Office Locations
Find Passport Office locations information from this service.
From this screen, select the Passport Office you wish to access.
From this screen, select the province/territory of the Passport Office location you wish to locate.
From this screen, select the city of the Passport Office location you wish to locate.
This screen displays the information of the Passport Office location you have selected.
6. Canadian Company Capabilities
Select the Canadian Company Capabilities database to search the on-line database that profiles Canadian companies. This information comes from Industry Canada's
Canadian Company Capabilities.
From this screen, enter the keyword of the product you wish to locate [Example: furniture].
This screen displays the results of the search performed with a listing of companies that have that product. From this screen, select the company you wish to view.
This screen displays the available information.
7. National Parks
Access the list of National Parks of Canada by Province/Territory from the main menu.
Parks Canada provides this information.
A scroll down list of the provinces and territories is displayed; scroll to your selection.
Scroll to the National Park of your choice.
This screen will display the information available.
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