Brian Mulroney: The Unauthorized Chapter
November 28, 2007

She was the adventurous daughter of Canadian hockey icon Bob Gainey and when Laura Gainey was swept overboard from the deck of the tall ship, the Picton Castle, last year it was reported as a tragic accident.

But, Gillian Findlay and a fifth estate team have investigated and found that there are disturbing questions about the safety conditions on the ship and about two conflicting reports about what happened the night Laura was swept into the Atlantic Ocean.


"Most political astute Canadians already knew there were kickbacks and bank accounts for the "greasers" who lobbied for the Airbus purchases by Air Canada. Canadians should demand answers from the politicians and the back room spin doctors."

"It is most unfortunate that we had to wait for such a long time to hear more of the dealings between our former prime Minister and Mr Schreiber."

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