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Canada's New Government Proposes Fixed Election Dates

30 May 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform today introduced in the House of Commons a bill providing for fixed election dates every four years.

The bill also establishes Monday, October 19, 2009 as the date of the next general election. Once the general election is held, the following election would be set for the third Monday in October, four calendar years in the future.

“Fixed election dates will improve the fairness of Canada’s electoral system by eliminating the ability of governing parties to manipulate the timing of elections for partisan advantage,” stated Minister Nicholson.

Currently, the Prime Minister is able to select a date for a general election and to advise the Governor General to dissolve Parliament. This allows the governing party to set the timing of a general election to its own advantage.

Beyond providing for greater fairness, fixed election dates will improve transparency and predictability. This bill, however, will not change the practice of dissolving Parliament for elections if the government loses the confidence of the House of Commons.

“Establishing fixed election dates fulfills one of this government’s key campaign commitments,” added Minister Nicholson. “It is an important step in improving and modernizing Canada’s democratic institutions and practices,” concluded Minister Nicholson.

For information, contact:
Office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
and Minister for Democratic Reform (613) 952-4930

Fixed Election Dates

Election Commitment

Current System

The New System Proposed in the Bill

The Powers of the Governor General and Confidence

Other Jurisdictions with Fixed Election Dates

Provincial Governments

Other Countries

Key Advantages Of Fixed Election Dates

Fairness: It is unfair that the governing party should be permitted to time an election to exploit conditions favourable to its re-election. Fixed election dates will level the playing field and provide greater fairness for all parties.

Transparency and Predictability: Fixed election dates will provide transparency as to when general elections will be held. Rather than decisions about election dates being made behind closed doors, general election dates will be public knowledge. Election dates will now be predictable.

Improved Governance: Fixed election dates will allow for better policy planning. For example, members of parliamentary committees will be able to set out their agendas well in advance, which will make the work of committees, and Parliament as a whole, more efficient.

Higher Voter Turnout Rates: Holding elections in October, other than when a government loses the confidence of the House, could improve voter turnout. The weather is generally favourable in most parts of the country, fewer people are transient (e.g., most students will not be in transition between home and school at that time, and seniors will not be deterred from voting, as they might be in colder months), and citizens will be able to plan in advance to participate in the electoral process.

The Third Monday In October As The Fixed Date For General Elections

Election Day Conflicts (Cultural or Religious Significance or Elections in Other Jurisdictions)