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Banner: Canadian Genealogy CentreBanner: Canadian Genealogy Centre
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Index of Topics
Births, Marriages and Deaths
Census and Enumerations
Immigration and Citizenship
French Regime
British Forces
German Troops
Canadian Forces before 1914
First World War
Canadian Forces after 1918 (including Second World War)
Military Medals
War Diaries
War Graves
Ethno-Cultural and Aboriginal Groups
Published Sources
Other Topics
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Many records relating to military service consist only of lists of names on a muster roll or pay list. For later periods, personnel records usually exist, which can also provide researchers with personal information about an individual such as date and place of birth, name and address of next of kin,previous military service and occupation.

Library and Archives Canada holds extensive collections of military records. Use the left-hand menu to select the period or type of records of interest to you. Each section provides information about available sources, links to relevant databases and links to Web sites of other institutions that hold military records.

The following Web sites provide additional sources and links:

From Colony to Country: A Reader's Guide to Canadian Military History

Canadian War Museum [www.warmuseum.ca]

Canadian Military History Gateway [www.cmhg.gc.ca/html/default-en.asp]

Veterans Affairs Canada: Links to other military sites []

Military and naval history - Canada [www.civilisations.ca/orch/www04e_e.html]

Canadian Genealogy and History Links: Military [www.islandnet.com/%7Ejveinot/cghl/military.html]

Register and Alphabetic Index of the Regiments and Corps of Canada and British North America since 1783 [http://regiments.org/default.htm]

Canadian War Brides Web site [www.canadianwarbrides.com/]

Canada's Nursing Sisters

The Memory Project [www.thememoryproject.com/]

Legion Magazine's Last Post database [www.legionmagazine.com/lastpost/]
Since 1928, Legion Magazine has honoured those Canadians who have served their country by publishing, in print, short death notices for Royal Canadian Legion members with military backgrounds, Canadian war veterans and Legion members with police service.

Juno Beach Centre [www.junobeach.org/]

Native Soldiers - Foreign Battlefields [www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=history/other/native]

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