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Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

System help

Online registration technical problems

If you wish to report a technical problem, send an email to:

When reporting a technical problem, please provide the following information in your email:

  1. Type of Internet browser software you are using
  2. Type of computer hardware you are using
  3. Internet operating system you are using (Windows or Macintosh)
  4. Are you using a dial-up or cable modem?
  5. Are you using a laptop computer?

CRA Business Registration Enquiries

If you were not successful in using our BRO Internet service or if you need business registration information, call our business enquiries line toll-free at 1-800-959-5525.

  • Hours of service: weekdays from 8:15 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Local Time)

Nova Scotia Program Enquiries

To obtain more information on participating program accounts, call Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations:

  • within Nova Scotia, toll-free at 1-800-670-4357
  • outside Nova Scotia, 1-902-424-5200 (long distance charges apply)

Hours of service: weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Atlantic Time)

Ontario Program Enquiries

To obtain more information on participating program accounts, phone the Ontario Business Connects Help Line toll-free at 1-800-565-1921.

  • Hours of service: weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern Time)

British Columbia Program Enquiries

To obtain more information on participating program accounts, contact the British Columbia government by email at OneStop.Help@gov.bc.ca.

Revenu Québec Enquiries

To contact Revenu Québec for more information, visit their Web site, which is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, or you can call them at 1-800-567-4692.

  • Hours of service: weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 16:30 p.m., except for Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 16:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Additional BRO Features

Help Messages

Help messages appear automatically when you position your cursor in a field or select the first item in a pick list.

Pick list features

For some questions you will need to pick an answer from a list of choices. You can make your choice by using the arrow keys or the mouse to move up or down the list to highlight your answer. Select the answer by pressing the <Enter> key, or by clicking on your choice using the left mouse button.

How to fix a mistake

If you make a mistake or don't provide the required information, you will see a red ‘X' to the right and a message to the left of the question.

  • Position the cursor on the field in question and follow the instructions that appear in the error message to correct your mistake.
  • Highlighting the mistake and typing over it will not erase the mistake.
  • Use the <Delete> or <Backspace> keys to erase the mistake and try again.

To print screens

Because the Web page uses frames, you will need to specify how you want your printed page to look.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer® users:

  • Click the File menu and then click Print. If you want your printed page to look exactly as it does on the screen, select As laid out on the screen then click OK. If you want to print only one frame in the page (the main one), click inside that frame then click on the Print button.

For Netscape NavigatorTM users:

  • Click inside the frame you want to print then click on the Print button. Netscape does not offer the ability to print all frames as they appear on the screen.

To quit the system

Click the Quit button in the bottom right of the screen to discontinue the registration session. If you quit before you finish your registration session, it will not affect any Business Number and/or program account numbers that were already confirmed during the session.

Keyboard users

Action Key(s) to press
Move to the next question <Tab>
Move to the previous question <Shift> and <Tab>
Scan choices in a pick list <Up> or <Down> arrow keys
Select choices from a pick list Highlight the choice then press <Enter>

Note: Please refrain from using your browser's navigation buttons (Back / Forward) for the duration of the session.